Monday, 10 December 2018

TOP 33 Most Important Oracle Apps Technical Interview Questions

TOP 33 Most Important Oracle Apps Technical Interview Questions

Here in this post , We are sharing the TOP 33 Most Important Oracle Apps Technical Questions with the Detail Answers and the Explanations. These Interview Questions are mostly related to the Oracle apps AOL. The AOL is the most important part to understand as a Technical Consultant and we have also put these thoughts during preparations of  these Questions.
 TOP 33 Most Important Oracle Apps Technical Interview Questions

List of Oracle Apps Technical Interview Questions

1.How many types of reports we can develop in Oracle apps.
We can create two Types of report in Oracle apps.

1.RDF reports.

2.XML reports.


RDF report we develops from Oracle Report Builder tool. This Tool is outside the Application. We developed outside the application then put the RDF report in the application server Top Report Folder.


XML reports, we develop in the XML Administrator responsibility. We develop the XML file for the report in the syntax of XML publisher and then upload this file in the Data Definition Of the Concurrent Program under XML administrator responsibility. Here we don’t need to put the source code in the application Top server. We just to prepare the XML file for the report. In this XML we have all the logics and the SLQ query and then we upload this in the Data Definitions.

2. What is p_conc_request_id in Oracle apps

‘p_conc_request_id’ is uses in the Oracle reports. In oracle reports we register the RDF reports as a Concurrent Program and then run these concurrent program as a Concurrent request. So if you want to use the Oracle Concurrent Request ID of the Concurrent Program in its Report then you have to create this ‘p_conc_request_id’ as a Parameters in the RDF as well as in the Concurrent Program too. This will pass the Oracle Concurrent Request Id from Oracle to Report.

3. What is ‘FND SRWINIT’?

The SRW.USER_EXIT (‘FND SRWINIT’) is used in the reports. This is used to setup and user profiles in the reports. If you are in a muilti_org environment, this ensures that your report display data from the user’s organization and this is set in Before Report Trigger.

You call SRW.USER_EXIT (‘FND SRWEXIT’) in after report trigger. This user exit frees all the memory allocation done in other Oracle Applications user exits.

4. What is Executable in Oracle Concurrent Programs.

Concurrent Program Executable is the Registration of the Oracle reports, Data Base Objects and other SQL scripts. This creates Linking between Oracle AOL and the Oracle Data Base Objects. In the Executable we defined the Database Objects Name as an Execution File Name. For Example , If the Report RDF name is “XX_AP_INVOICE_REPORT” then to create the executable for this report I need to use “XX_AP_INVOICE_REPORT” as a execution file name.


5. What is the relevance of Selecting the Application in the concurrent Program Executables and in the Concurrent Program too?

If we are creating the Executable for the Database objects then Application is not very important but We are Creating the concurrent program Executable for those objects which we are keeping not in the Data base but in the application Top folders then selecting the right application is critical Step.

For Example, if you have put the RDF report in the AP_TOP reports folder but in the concurrent program Executable you have selected the “Purchasing” then your concurrent program will go in to error and Oracle AOL will not be able to link this report because as per the concurrent program Executable registration AOL will find this report in the Purchasing Top under reports folder. To make this Correct, you must choose the Application “Payables” in the concurrent program Executable or Put the Report source code from AP_TOP to PO_TOP reports folder.


6.What is Tokens the concurrent Program


Tokes uses in the Concurrent Program Parameters. These are uses to pass the value from Concurrent Program Parameters to the Oracle reports source code. Tokens name should be same as Oracle Reports parameters name and this is Completely case sensitive so any little change will make the concurrent program in to error.


7. Types of Report trigger available in the Oracle Reports ?

Before report

After report

Before parameter form

After parameter form

Between pages

8. Difference Between After parameter form and Before report?

After parameter Trigger: This Trigger will fire after the parameter form is displayed. Here we can do validation on parameter values. It means if we want to validate the Input values before sent It to the Report. Or IF we want to send some other inputs as a Parameters based on the user Entered Parameters Values then we can use this Trigger.


Before Report Trigger: It will fire before the report is executed and after the query is parsed and date is fetched. 


9.What is Who columns in Oracle apps.

Who columns are mainly 5 columns in any Oracle Table: CREATION_DATE, LAST_UPDATE_DATE, CREATED_BY, LAST_UPDATED_BY, LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN.


10. How to Submit the Oracle Concurrent Requests from Backend.

Oracle application has given the Standard API to call the Oracle Concurrent Requests from Backend.



11. What is the Meaning of Application Top in Oracle Apps.

In Oracle apps, Oracle has organized all the things in the server according to the application Module. In the Server, Oracle has created one top for each Module. Like For Payables Oracle has Created for the application Top “AP” for Receivable “AR” for Inventory “INV” for Purchasing “PO”. Now under Each Module Top like AP,AR,GL,PO Oracle has created sub folders which are common to all. Reports , Forms , SQL, PLL these kind of folders you will get under each Application Top folder. In reports , you will get the Reports for this Module. In Forms folder , you will get the Oracle Form for this module like that.


14. What is the Difference Between Interfaces and Conversions in Oracle apps.

Interface Process is the Subset of the Conversion Process. It Means , When we migrating the Data from External source to the Oracle Apps, but the data is not in the Form or in the shape like Oracle apps required Data format , so we need to massage this data or to put extra efforts to prepare this data in the form of Oracle Required format data that process is called conversion. Once the data prepared in the format of Oracle apps required format then the Interface process starts to import or migrate the data in Oracle apps.

Conversion most of the Time is the one-time process when we are doing implementation or we are switching the ERP application from other application to Oracle application. But Interface is the continuous on-going task which helps to sync the external applications with the Oracle application.

15. What is the Max Parameters can be created in the concurrent Program.

There is the limitation in the Concurrent Program. We can only create the max 100 parameters in the Concurrent Program.

16. What is MOAC in Oracle apps?

Multi-Org or multiple organization access (MOAC) is basically an ability to access multiple operating units from a single application responsibility. MOAC in r12 technical is the great feature in Oracle Apps.

In 11i, end users must change the responsibilities to do transactions in different operating units. This is a very time consuming and inefficient way of recording transactions when you have 100s of operating units specially Internet based organizations who have worldwide operations in almost all the countries.

To address this, a new feature in R12 has been introduced in which user can switch between operating units within a responsibility something like “Change Organization” feature in inventory. Prior to R12, user would have to switch responsibilities to enter transactions in respective operating units.


17. What is HR security profile in oracle apps r12?

Multi-Org or multiple organization access (MOAC) is basically an ability to access multiple operating units from a single application responsibility. Here below is the complete Logic of the HR security profile in oracle apps r12.

Prior to R12, end users use to toggle / switch / change responsibilities to do transactions (like invoice / payment processing in AP) in different operating units. This is a very time consuming and inefficient way of recording transactions when you have 100s of operating units specially Internet based organizations who have worldwide operations in almost all the countries.

To address this, a new feature in R12 has been introduced in which user can switch between operating units within a responsibility something like “Change Organization” feature in inventory. Prior to R12, user would have to switch responsibilities to enter transactions in respective operating units (tagged to the responsibility).

18. How to set multi org in r12 from backend?

If you are using the Back-end procedure to insert some values in the Standard Base tables and you want to follow and to put the control on the basis of Multi Org setup (MOAC) then you need to use these below steps before using any API or Interface code.


fnd_global.apps_initialize(p_user_id, p_resp_id, p_resp_appl_id);




fnd_global.apps_initialize(p_user_id, p_resp_id, p_resp_appl_id);




mo_global.init (<APPLICATION SHORT NAME>);


For example


mo_global. init (‘AR’);


This is one of the most important package to be use in the backend to set the multi org concept. With the help of this Procedure, Bank end system, able to drive all the profile values assigned to this responsibility and user in Oracle application. So that we can put Data access control on the base of Multi org.


19. What is Temporary Table in Oracle apps?

Temporary table is uses to store the Data according to the Session wise. So If we are inserting the data from Two session in this Temporary table then Each session can only see and access the data as per their session and once the session closed , The data from the Temporary table will be deleted.

20. What are the Xla table in oracle apps?







21. What is the Standard Program name to import AP invoices from Interface?


Payables Open Interface Import is uses to import the Interface invoices from Interface to Oracle Invoice Base Tables.


22. What is the Oracle Standard Import Program name to import Suppliers Interface Records in to the Base Tables?

 Standard Import Program's to Import Supplier Interface records in Supplier Base Tables.

Supplier Open Interface Import

Supplier Sites Open Interface Import

Supplier Contacts Open Interface Import

23. What are the Payment Process Profiles table in Oracle Apps?





24.What are the Projects Table in Oracle apps ?













PA_PROJECTS_ALL:-  This table is the Header Table of the Oracle Projects. You can get Project related information from there.

PA_TAKS:- All the different -2 tasks of the projects stores in this Table

PA_PROJECT_TYPES: - This Stores the Project Type information like Contract or etc.

PA_PROJECT_PLAYERS: This stores the resources information's who is working in this project.

PA_AGREEMENTS_ALL: - This Table Stores the Project Agreement created with the Customer with the Funding amount too.

PA_CUSTOMERS_ALL: - This Table Stores the Project customers Information's.

PA_BUDGET_VERSIONS: -  This Table Stores the funding Budget for the given project in Oracle apps r12. Budget is not mandatory in Projects. This is the Header table of the Projects Budgets.

PA_BUDGET_LINES:- This is the Line table of the Projects Budgets.

PA_DRAFT_REVENUES_ALL: -When we run the process “PRC: Generate Draft Revenue for a single Project” for the Project it generates the Draft revenue of the Project. This Table stores the Project draft Revenue Header Information's.

PA_DRAFT_REVENUE_ITEMS: - This Table stores the Project draft Revenue Line level Information's.

24. Difference Between Party Merge and Account Merge?


 Account Merge: -

When merging two different customers, you must merge all site uses associated with the customer being merged. For example, Customer A and customer B each has one Bill-To site and one Ship-To site. You can transfer activity from A to B by merging like site uses assigned to B(for example, Bill-To's merged with Bill-To's).When You merge one customer to Another , System Automatically Transferred all the Receipts ,AR Invoices and other Activities of the Old Customer to this New Customer so the Liability of the customer will be transferred to this New supplier too.


Party merge :-

We all know that TCA. TCA (Trading Community Architecture) comes for picture in Oracle apps r12. TCA more related to Party and more about Customer Oriented. In TCA, Oracle treats everything in Oracle application as party, which could be become its potential customer in future. To more clarifying this Statement, I will share the Working Examples as below.

For Example, I have created the Supplier A in Oracle apps but as per TCA architecture, Oracle will automatically create this Supplier A as an Party because according to TCA, Supplier can also be my Potential Customer in Future. So, in Future If I need to sell some goods to this Supplier A, then I can directly create the Customer From this Party A So one Party will become my Supplier and Customer Both but with Different Relation Ship

In Party Merge , there could be a merging of many other business level Entities Like as per my previous example Party A has both Supplier and Customer so if we will do the Merging of This Party A Both supplier A and Customer A will be merged to another Party B.


27. what is Request Set in Oracle apps?

Request set is the set of Multiple Concurrent Programs. When We want to run the same set of concurrent Program Together in Oracle apps, then we can add these concurrent Programs in the Request set and then We only to need to run this concurrent Request set and all the Concurrent Programs under this Request set can be run together sequentially or Parallelly.

28. Where we can find the Application short name and basepath names in Oracle Apps?

We can find the Short Name and base path from two ways.

From Back End: -

Select basepath, application_short_name from fnd_application from the backend.

From Front End: -

we can get it Navigation Application Developer.—–> Application—->Register.

29. What are the Steps to Customize the Standard Oracle reports?



Go to the Concurrent Program Definition and find the application of the Concurrent Program.

Identify the Short name of the standard report in which module we must customize.

For Example: AP module path for the Standard Reports.

Appl top\ap\11.5.0\reports\US\ .rdf

b. Open the .rdf file in Report builder and change the name of the Report and then Do the Required Changes.

c. Put the. rep or RDF file in the specified module. If it is not in the specified directory then we should put in the server directory.

d.Then Register in the AOL Concurrent Executable and Concurrent Program.

e. Go to system administrator Security responsibility.

f. Add and assign a concurrent program to a request group.

31.  Difference between Bind and Lexical parameters?

Bind references (or bind variables) are used to replace a single value in SQL or PL/SQL, such as a character string, number, or date. Specifically, bind references may be used to replace expressions in SELECT, WHERE, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, HAVING, CONNECT BY, and START WITH clauses of queries. Bind references may not be referenced in FROM clauses or in place of reserved words or clauses.

Lexical references are placeholders for text that you embed in a SELECT statement. You can use lexical references to replace the clauses appearing after SELECT, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, HAVING, CONNECT BY, and START WITH. You cannot make lexical references in a PL/SQL statement.

For Example: To create the Dynamic Where Clause in the Report SQL query based on the User Parameters inputs we need to use the Lexical parameters.

32. What is TCA in Oracle Apps?

We all know that TCA. TCA (Trading Community Architecture) comes for picture in Oracle apps r12. TCA more related to Party and more about Customer Oriented. In TCA, Oracle treats everything in Oracle application as party , which could be become its potential customer in future. To more clarifying this Statement, I will share the Working Examples as below.


For Example, I have create the Supplier A in Oracle apps but as per TCA architecture, Oracle will automatically create this Supplier A as an Party because according to TCA, Supplier can also be my Potential Customer in Future. So, in Future If I need to sell some goods to this Supplier A, then I can directly create the Customer From this Party A So One Party will become my Supplier and Customer Both but with Different Relation Ship.

The same thing applies to employee, customer and my Business unit records too.

33. What is UTL_FILE in Oracle Apps?

UTL_File is the package available in the Oracle apps to write the Flat files directly from the PLSQL block/Packages. We can create the Flat File, read and write these files with the Help of this package ‘UTL_FILE’ in Oracle Apps.



TOP 33 Most Important Oracle Apps Technical Interview Questions

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