Sunday, 17 November 2019

What is Rapid Implementation in Oracle Cloud : Rapid Implementation Data Uploading Process in Oracle Fusion

What is Rapid Implementation in Oracle Cloud : Rapid Implementation Data Upload Process in Oracle Fusion

In this post , We will be discuss about Oracle Cloud Rapid Implementation feature. This feature helps to upload the Setup Data in Oracle Cloud with more easy way. In Rapid Implementation , Oracle cloud has given Excel templates for different types of Oracle application business objects like Chart of account , Bank & Branches .i.e. We can create Chart of Accounts, Ledger, Legal Entities, and Business Units with the help of these Rapid Implementation feature. Here below I will explain more about this Rapid Implementation feature in Oracle fusion and how we do use to upload the data.

How Rapid Implementation works in Oracle cloud

As I said , In Rapid Implementation , Oracle cloud has given Excel templates for different types of Oracle application business objects. So we need to prepare the data as per our business Requirment in these Excel sheets. Then An xml file can be generated once the user has filled out the required information on the spreadsheet.
The user can manually upload the generated xml file to the server from Oracle Scheduler. Then the upload process will create that business object in oracle application based on the information on the spreadsheet.
Rapid Implementation helps to upload the Very Basic information about business objects in oracle cloud application. If user wants to add more detail then the user may go through the original path to make changes or provide more details to that business object in application.

Rapid Implementation Supported Business Objects in Oracle Cloud

1.Create Chart of Accounts, Ledger, Legal Entities, and Business Units in Spreadsheets: Explained
2.Cross-Validation Rules in General Ledger: Overview
3.Cash Management Rapid Implementation to Upload Bank , Branches and Bank Accounts.

Creating Tax Setup Using the Tax Configuration Workbook: Worked Example
5.Budget Uploads to General Ledger
6.Budget Import to Budgetary Control

Steps to download the Rapid Implementation Excel Template

!. Go to Setup and Maintainence.
2.Search for the task 'Create Banks, Branches, and Accounts in Spreadsheet'.
What is Rapid Implementation in Oracle Cloud : Rapid Implementation Data Uploading Process in Oracle Fusion
3. As shown below , this is the Rapid Implementation Template for Cash management for uploading Bank , Branches and Bank accounts.
What is Rapid Implementation in Oracle Cloud : Rapid Implementation Data Uploading Process in Oracle Fusion


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