Oracle Fusion Web Services(REST& SOAP API's) / Integration Book
Hi Friends, we have launched Oracle Fusion Web Services(REST& SOAP API's) / Integration Book. In this Book , you will learn , how you can learn about Web Services and Integration through REST & SOAP API's in Oracle Fusion SAAS environment. This Book help to develop the Custom Integration Solution & Out of Box solution in Oracle Fusion SAAS Application. Using this Book, We can develop the complete Inbound & Outbound Integration in Oracle Fusion SAAS Application.

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List of Topics Covered in the Book
1. What is Web Service in Oracle Fusion?
2. What is SOAP API Web service In Oracle Fusion?
3. What is REST (Representational State Transfer) API web service in Oracle Fusion?
4. Explaining all about Oracle Fusion Rest API components
5. Explaining about REST API Body
6. Default Response of REST API
7. Request Payload of REST API
8. Types of Rest API Methods GET, POST, PATCH in Oracle Fusion. What is the use of these methods in oracle fusion?
9. What is Request Payload in Oracle Fusion?
10. What is Request Response in Oracle Fusion?
11. What is finder in Oracle Fusion Rest API get Service?
12. What is SOAP UI and why itโs so usefully in Oracle Fusion Webservices?
13. How to Test the Rest API in SOAP UI
14. Steps to Create the AR Invoice through Rest API in Oracle Fusion using SOAP UI
15. Steps to update the AR Invoice through Rest API in Oracle Fusion using SOAP UI
16. Steps to get the AR Invoice through Rest API in Oracle Fusion using SOAP UI
17. Steps to get many AR Invoices Data through Rest API in Oracle Fusion using SOAP UI
18. How to Register the Rest API web service in Oracle Fusion Application to Extract the Data from Oracle Fusion Application
19. How to create the Web service in the Application Composer and use the web service the Oracle Fusion Custom Pages to insert, update or delete the Data
20. How to Register the SOAP API web service in Oracle Fusion Application
21. How to Call and execute the Rest API Webservice in Oracle Fusion Application
22. How to Call and execute the SOAP API Webservice in Oracle Fusion Application
23. Steps to Design the AR Interface Using Rest API in Oracle Fusion Application
24. Run Time Testing of AR Invoice Rest API Web Service Working
25. Steps to Design the AP Interface using Rest API in Oracle Fusion Application
26. Steps to Create the PO Change Order using SOAP API in Oracle Fusion Application
27. Step to Run and Execute the Custom BIP Report in Oracle Fusion using Webservices in Oracle fusion Application
28. How to submit the Report Parameters using Webservices to execute the BIP report in Oracle fusion Application
29. Run time testing of the Report SOAP API Webservice with Parameters.
30. How to schedule the REST API and SOAP API Webservice in Oracle fusion to execute automatically
31. How to do the Debugging and see the Run time log messages while performing operations Custom Page Code and in Rest API
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Waoo Awesome content posting,Many developers would agree that soap-api is difficult and complex
whereas soap-api is simple and so more productive,This site is so amazing.This sites gives good knowledge of soap-api.
Good work ๐
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