Friday, 3 July 2020

Top 50 oracle reports interview questions

Top 50 oracle reports interview questions

Hi friends , We are going to discuss about Top 50 oracle reports interview questions.We will share the you the list of top 50 oracle reports Interview questions with detail answers. You can refer these Oracle reports interview questions for your Job Interview preparations. These oracle reports interview questions will really help you in your final interview. We have covered all the oracle reports topics in these 50 Oracle reports interview questions set. These questions will really help you in your Job Interviews. Please find below more about Top 50 oracle reports interview questions.

Top 50 oracle reports interview questions

1. What is the Extension of Oracle Reports source file.
Answer : Oracle Report source code file extension is .rdf

2. What is the Extension of Oracle Reports source code Compile file without source code.
Answer : Oracle Report source code compilation file extension is .rep. If we want to secure our report source code in the server then we don't put the .rdf file. We just put the oracle report compile file and that is .rep

3. What type of reports we can develop in Oracle ?

Answer : Using Oracle Report builder tool , We can develop two types of Oracle reports.
1. Oracle Paper Based Layout Reports.
2.XML publisher reports

Oracle Paper Based Layout Reports :- 
In Oracle Paper Based Layout Reports we design the report layout itself in the report builder.

XML publisher reports:- 

In XML publisher reports, We design the reports layout outside the report builder in RTF format using report xml output.

4. How to use  p_conc_request_id in Oracle apps ?

Answer : To use ‘p_conc_request_id’ in the Oracle reports, then we need to use as a report parameter. In oracle reports we register the RDF reports as a Concurrent Program and then run these concurrent program as a Concurrent request. So if you want to use the Oracle Concurrent Request ID of the Concurrent Program in its Report then you have to create this ‘p_conc_request_id’ as a Parameters in the RDF as well as in the Concurrent Program too. This will pass the Oracle Concurrent Request Id from Oracle to Report.

Top 50 oracle reports interview questions
Top 50 oracle reports interview questions

5.What is ‘FND SRWINIT’ in Oracle Reports ?
Answer : The SRW.USER_EXIT (‘FND SRWINIT’) is used in the reports. This is used to setup and user profiles in the reports. If you are in a muilti_org environment, this ensures that your report display data from the user’s organization and this is set in Before Report Trigger.
You call SRW.USER_EXIT (‘FND SRWEXIT’) in after report trigger. This user exit frees all the memory allocation done in other Oracle Applications user exits.
6. How many Types of Triggers in Oracle Reports ?
Answer : 
1.Before report
2.After report
3.Before parameter form
4.After parameter form
5.Between pages
Top 50 oracle reports interview questions
Top 50 oracle reports interview questions

Top 50 oracle reports interview questions

7. What is the name of Standard API to Submit the Oracle Concurrent Requests from Back end ?

Answer : Oracle application has given the Standard API to call the Oracle Concurrent Requests from Backend.

8. What is the Difference Between After parameter form and Before report?
Answer : After parameter Trigger: This Trigger will fire after the parameter form is displayed. Here we can do validation on parameter values. It means if we want to validate the Input values before sent It to the Report. 
Or IF we want to send some other inputs as a Parameters based on the user Entered Parameters Values then we can use this Trigger.

9. What is Bind Variable in Oracle Reports ?
Answer : Bind Variable is something called Parameter in the Oracle report sql query , which we used to pass the run time value to run the sql query.

10. What is Lexical Variable in Oracle Report ?
Answer: Lexical Variable we used in the oracle reports sql query to create the dynamic sql conditions in the oracle report sql query. It can replace any thing in the sql query like select columns , tables , where conditions. 

11. What is User Exists in Oracle reports?
Answer : User Exists , helps to pass the control from Oracle Report builder to concurrent program and in the end send back the control to Report builder. It helps to provide the integration between RDF source file and the Oracle Report Concurrent Programs

12. What is Anchor in Oracle Report ? 

Answer: Anchor is concept related to Oracle reports Paper Based Layout designs. When we do design the report itself in the Oracle Report Builder. It helps to maintain the positions of one object with another object with same like parent like it helps to maintain its position of child object relative to its parent object in the Oracle Reports design layout.

13. What is conditional Formatting in Oracle Reports ?
Answer :- Conditional Formatting is also the concept related to Oracle reports Paper Based Layout designs. If we want to format the Output of the reports based on some conditions then we do use the Conditional Formatting in Oracle Reports.

14.  What is Format Trigger in Oracle Reports ?
Answer: Format Trigger is also the concept related to Oracle reports Paper Based Layout designs. IF we want to control the Report output with some conditions then we can use the Format Trigger in oracle reports. We have more flexibility in Format Trigger as compared to Conditional Formatting in Oracle Reports

15. How we can control the number of records display per page in Oracle Reports?

Top 50 oracle reports interview questions
Top 50 oracle reports interview questions

16. How to put the page break in the Oracle Reports ?
Answer : To put the Page break in Oracle reports , We need to use the format Trigger of the Oracle Reports Layout Frame.
17. How many parts in Oracle Reports Design Layout ?

Answer : Oracle Reports Layout divided in three parts 
1. Header 

18. How to display the Log Messages in Oracle Reports Log file ?
Answer: We need to use the srw.message(1001,'Message') to show the log messages in the Oracle Reports log file.

19. What is FND SRWINIT in Oracle Report ?
Answer :  This is a User Exit which sets your profile option values and allows Oracle AOL user exits to detect that they have been called by oracle repots.
It must be included if one is using any ORACLE APPLICATION OBJECT LIBRARY features in his report (such as concurrent processing).
FND SRWINIT also allows your report to use the correct organization automatically.
Can be used in BEFORE-REPORT Trigger. Syntax is : SRW.USER_EXIT(‘FND SRWINIT’);

20. What is FND SRWEXIT in Oracle Reports ?
Answer: This user exit ensures that all the memory allocated for AOL user exits has been freed up properly.
Can be used in AFTER- REPORT Trigger.

21. What is FND FORMAT_CURRENCY in Oracle Reports ?
Answer :- To format the currency amount dynamically depending upon the precision of the actual currency value, standard precision, users profile values and location (country) of the site.
You obtain the currency value from the database into an Oracle Reports column.Define another Oracle Reports column, a formula column of type CHAR, which executes the FORMAT_CURRENCY user exit to format the currency value.

Top 50 oracle reports interview questions

Top 50 oracle reports interview questions


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