Tuesday, 19 November 2019

How to add hyperlink in the email body using Bursting in Oracle Cloud BIP reports

How to add hyperlink in the email body using Bursting in Oracle Cloud BIP reports

In this post , we will be going to discuss about some new features we can add in the email body while using the bursting in the Oracle cloud BIP reports. We all know that , using bursting , we can send reports outputs as an attachment with some default email message body but i am sure we did not hear about the possibility of adding  hyperlink/urls in the email body. Please find below the details to add hyperlink in the email body using Bursting in Oracle Cloud BIP reports.

Step by Step to add hyperlink in the email body using Bursting in Oracle Cloud BIP reports

Step1:- To create any hyperlink in the email body , we need to use <a href tag in the email body.
Step2:- As below , this is the sample Bursting sql query , to create the hyperlink in the bursting email body
How to add hyperlink in the email body using Bursting in Oracle Cloud BIP reports

select '1'   KEY, --- must be same as deliver by
'TEMPLATE1'    TEMPLATE,--  report template name
'en-US'   LOCALE,
'PDF'    OUTPUT_FORMAT,-- output format pdf rtf text etc..
'EMAIL'   DEL_CHANNEL,-- delivery channel name email,fax,print etc..
'Test Output'  OUTPUT_NAME,
'test@gmail.com' PARAMETER1,-- to mail address
'test1@gmail.com             PARAMETER2,-- CC mail address
'test2@gmail.com'  PARAMETER3,-- from mail address
'Email Subject'     PARAMETER4, -- subject
'<html>Hi'||' '||'xxxx'||',<br/><br/>
<a href=' || '''http://www.testsite.com''' || '>Click here for more informations</a><br/><br/>
Thank you,<br/>Oracle Application Blog</html>'   PARAMETER5, -- message body
'true'      PARAMETER6-- attachment true/false value
'test3@gmail.com' as PARAMETER7, -- reply-to mail address
from dual

How to add hyperlink in the email body using Bursting in Oracle Cloud BIP reports


Anonymous said...

My requirement is I want to send the output to content server and want to send only hyper link to email without attachment. I tried it ,But could not do it
1. I used union condition to delivery content server and email
I am able to delivery the file to content server
I am able to send the email but i am getting attachment
Why this requirement is when we have the huge data, we can send only make 20 or 25 mb. So client want to dump the file in server and send the link or intimation through email

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