Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Drill Down OTBI reports to Navigate Directly in to Oracle Cloud Payment Page: OTBI Functionality to Pay the Invoices directly from OTBI report output

Drill Down OTBI reports to Navigate Directly in to Oracle Cloud Payment Page: OTBI Functionality to Pay the Invoices directly from OTBI report output

In this post , We will be discuss about the OTBI reports functionality which helps to pay the Un-Paid Invoices directly from the OTBI report output. With the Help of this feature , We can navigate directly to the Oracle Payment page to pay the invoice. Here in this example , We will create one OTBI reports which gives the output of the Un Paid invoices. We will create one Hyper Link on each Invoice Number output which will directly navigate into the Oracle cloud Payment page from the OTBI report when we do click on the Invoice number link.

Steps to Create the Drill Down OTBI reports to Navigate Directly in to Oracle Cloud Payment Page

Step1:- Need to create the OTBI report which gives you the list of unpaid invoices “Payables Invoices – Transactions Real Time” for e.g. Select Invoice ID and Invoice Number in the report criteria. We can hide the Invoice ID column in case you don’t want that to be visible in the report output. 
Drill Down OTBI reports to Navigate Directly in to Oracle Cloud Payment Page: OTBI Functionality to Pay the Invoices directly from OTBI report output
Step2:- To define the action link on Invoice Number column, click on Column properties and navigate to the Interaction tab. This drill will take you to the Create Payment page where you can enter the invoice details and make the payment. 
Drill Down OTBI reports to Navigate Directly in to Oracle Cloud Payment Page: OTBI Functionality to Pay the Invoices directly from OTBI report output

 Step3:-Click on Add Action Link, give a link text and select the “Navigate to a Web Page” option as shown below
Drill Down OTBI reports to Navigate Directly in to Oracle Cloud Payment Page: OTBI Functionality to Pay the Invoices directly from OTBI report output
Click on Add Action Link, give a link text and select the “Navigate to a Web Page” option as shown below
Drill Down OTBI reports to Navigate Directly in to Oracle Cloud Payment Page: OTBI Functionality to Pay the Invoices directly from OTBI report output
Step5:- Enter the URL of the target page (Manage Invoices in view mode in this case) in the format as shown below in the Action URL and click on Define Parameters.
For Example :-
Step6:- We need to enter the url created in Step5 in the Action Window as per step4
Drill Down OTBI reports to Navigate Directly in to Oracle Cloud Payment Page: OTBI Functionality to Pay the Invoices directly from OTBI report output

Step7:- The URL takes 2 parameters as input, the details of which are given in the table below. Pass these parameters by clicking on Define Parameters and adding them using the steps in the subsequent points.
Drill Down OTBI reports to Navigate Directly in to Oracle Cloud Payment Page: OTBI Functionality to Pay the Invoices directly from OTBI report output
 Step8:- We need to add 2 parameters using the Add Parameter button (the + icon) and give the values for the 2 of them as shown in the screenshot below. Both parameters should be defined using the Value option. Select the Hidden option for all the parameters. You can ignore the prompt column.
Drill Down OTBI reports to Navigate Directly in to Oracle Cloud Payment Page: OTBI Functionality to Pay the Invoices directly from OTBI report output
Step9:-Click on Options button and select the Open in New Window option to make sure the drill page opens in different tab from the OTBI report
Drill Down OTBI reports to Navigate Directly in to Oracle Cloud Payment Page: OTBI Functionality to Pay the Invoices directly from OTBI report output
Step10:-Click on OK and save all changes to the report.
Run the report, right click on the Invoice Number column and drill to the target page.
Drill Down OTBI reports to Navigate Directly in to Oracle Cloud Payment Page: OTBI Functionality to Pay the Invoices directly from OTBI report output



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Murali said...

Hi, Please advise how can i get the drill down report out put in Excel ?

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