Thursday, 25 March 2021

TOP 31 Oracle Fusion SCM Cloud Interview Questions

TOP 31 Oracle Fusion SCM Cloud Interview Questions

Hi friends, we are going to discuss about the Oracle Fusion SCM Cloud Interview Questions. We will share some of the most important oracle fusion SCM module interview questions which helps for the preparation of the oracle fusion SCM interviews. These are the most commonly asked SCM interview questions in oracle fusion world. These SCM cloud interview questions helps to understand the basics of the SCM module and its functionality in oracle fusion cloud. If you are preparing for oracle fusion SCM interviews then we would recommend you to go through these questions before your interviews. Please find below the Oracle Fusion SCM Cloud Interview Questions.

TOP 31 Oracle Fusion SCM Cloud Interview Questions

Question 1:- What is Master Inventory Org in Oracle Fusion SCM Cloud ?


Answer: Master inventory organization is mandatory in oracle inventory. We do define the inventory items first in the master inventory org and then assign the same items into child inventory organizations. However, for simplicity, Oracle recommends that you limit the Item Master to just an item definition organization.


Inventory master organization is a logical entity that you use to define items. You use the other child inventory organizations to store and transact inventory.

Oracle also recommends that you do not define multiple item masters. This can make item definition and maintenance confusing. In addition, multiple item masters are distinct entities, with no relationship to each other. You cannot associate items in one item master organization with another item master organization. You cannot copy items across item master organizations.



Question 2:- Is Master Inventory Org is mandatory in Oracle Fusion SCM Cloud ?


Answer: Yes , Master inventory organization is mandatory in oracle inventory. If we will define the master inventory org then system will automatically create the other inventory org as an Mast Inventory org in oracle cloud.




Question 3:-What is serial number control in Oracle Fusion SCM Cloud ?


Answer: - Serial Number control we do apply to inventory items. If an item will be serial number control , then system automatically generates and attach the unique sequence number when we do the receiving of the purchased item or do the production of that items in oracle fusion scm cloud. It helps to generate more traceability for an item in oracle fusion application. 


In serial number control., there is always an unique number for each quantity so if you will receive 10 qty for an item , system will generate the 10 unique serial number for an item.




Question 4: What is lot controlled inventory in oracle fusion SCM cloud ?


Answer:- lot control we do apply to inventory items. If an item will be lot number control , then system automatically generates the lot number when we do the receiving of the purchased item or do the production of that items in oracle fusion scm cloud. It helps to generate more traceability for an item in oracle fusion application. 



In lot number control , we can give the same number to the bunch of item quantity so if you will receive 10 qty for an item , then you can attach the same lot number for all the 10 qty received or manufactured in oracle fusion SCM cloud.





Question 5:- What is the purpose of predefined locator in oracle fusion scm cloud Subinventory ?


Answer: In oracle fusion , We can setup locator control in 4 diff ways for each sub-inventory



Dynamic Entry: Either you can select any locator during transaction or you can create a new combination

None: There will not be any locator information required during any transaction

Item Level: This will take the locator which has been defined at item attribute level

Pre-specified: System will ask you to select locator combinations which already been defined in the subinventory during the transaction




Question6:- Can we change the inventory item name , after created in oracle fusion scm cloud ?


Answer: yes , we can change the name of the item after its creation but till that time when there is no item transaction created for the inventory item in oracle fusion scm cloud.





Question 7:- Is it possible to change the Inventory UOM and item serial and lot number control attributes in item master after creation ?


Answer: If we have created any transaction for an item in oracle fusion scm cloud then we cannot change the UOM for the item.


For Serial and lot number control , We can make the changes but that Item should have 0 inventory stock in system.




Question 8:- What is Move order in Oracle Fusion SCM Cloud ?


Answer: Move order is the the transfer request of material from one Subinventory to another Subinventory. Using Move order , we track the movement of the materials from Subinventory stores.


There are two types of Move orders in Oracle Fusion SCM Cloud 


1. Move order Transfer.

2.Move order Issue.



Question 9:- What is the Difference between the Move order and Subinventory Transfer Process in Oracle Fusion SCM Cloud ?


Answer: In Move we can transfer the material from one Subinventory to another and also we can do the move order issue to consume the material from one store but in Subinventory transfer we can only transfer the material from one Subinventory to another but it cannot change the inventory for that item in organisation.




Question :12- Explain the Inventory Item Status attributes in Oracle Fusion SCM cloud ?



Answer: We have these types of status attributes for the item in SCM cloud.



QUESTION 13: What are the status attributes in Item and how many of them

Answer: We can define different status for an item combination these attributes as per the business need:-

Following are the attributes

BOM Enabled

Build in WIP

Customer order enabled

Internal Order enabled








Question 16:- Which are the Important Chart of Accounts Gl accounts used in Oracle Fusion SCM Cloud ?



Answer:- The major accounts we do use in Oracle Fusion Inventory and that is called valuation accounts.



Expense      The expense account used when tracking a non-asset item

Material      An asset account that tracks material cost. For average costing, this account holds your inventory and intransit values. Once you perform transactions, you cannot change this account.

Material Overhead An asset account that tracks material overhead cost.

Resource     An asset account that tracks resource cost.

Overhead    An asset account that tracks resource and outside processing overheads.

Outside processing An asset account that tracks outside processing cost.



Question 18:- What is the basic different between Move Order Transfer and Move order Issue in Oracle Fusion Inventory ?



MO Issue will move out the stock from inventory against an account

MO transfer will move the stock from one subinventory to other


Question 19:- What is the difference between purchased and purchasable flag for an Inventory item in Oracle Fusion SCM Cloud ?




Purchasable is a status attribute flag, so based on this flag, certain transactions can be controlled for an item.

Purchased flag decides whether to purchase and receive this item.

Purchasable flag decides, whether to order this item in a purchase order.

If purchasable is enabled, item can be ordered in a purchase order, if not, new purchase orders cant be created and approved for the items.

If purchased is enabled, item can be received if already present in an approved purchase order.





Question 20:-  What is account alias issue in Oracle Fusion SCM cloud ?



Answer: Account alias issue is almost similar like the Miscellaneous issue in oracle. They also uses to reduce the Stock of the Item in Subinvnetory without having Requirement of to consume the stock again WIP JOBS.

But the Only Difference between   Miscellaneous issue and Account alias issue is that , In Miscellaneous issue , We need to remember the complete GL Account Combination to which this Item Material consumption Should be charged but in the Account alias Issue we can use the GL Account Combination aliases which we have already created in the GL so that we don’t need to remember the complete account. Account alias is the user friendly name of the GL account combination that helps non finance user to easily remember the names instead of entire GL account combination to which material  issue should be charged.

Question 21:- What is miscellaneous Issue in Oracle Fusion SCM cloud application ?

Answer: -

Miscellaneous Issue:-

This is one of the Transaction type of the Inventory. When we want to reduce the Stock of the Item in the Oracle inventory but we don't want to issue the material against WIP jobs then we can directly issue the Inventory items from some Subinvnetory using Inventory Open Miscellaneous Transactions form with using Transaction type of ‘Miscellaneous Issue’ .

Transaction Type is very Important In this. We also need to enter the GL AccountCombination to which this Item Material Should be charged.




Question 23:- Which are the KFF available in Oracle Fusion SCM cloud application ?



Answer:- In Oracle Fusion Inventory module we have these below important key flexfields(KFF).


1.Item KFF

2.Item Category KFF

3.Item Catalogues 

4.Store Locator KFF

5.Account Alias KFF




Question 26:- How many Inventory locations we can create under the Inventory Organisation in Oracle Fusion SCM cloud application ?



Answer:- Yes , We can create n number of Inventory location under inventory org as per our requirement. One Inventory org can have multiple inventory locations in oracle fusion.




Question 27:- Can we delete the Inventory Location in Oracle Fusion SCM application ?


Answer:- No , We cannot delete the Inventory Locations in Oracle Fusion SCM application. But we can inactive the inventory locations by putting the inactive date in Inventory location.




Question 28:- What is Item Template in Oracle Fusion SCM Cloud application ?



Answer:- Item Template is the set of attributes available in Item Master Form. In item template , we define the item attributes values and then use the item template in item master for creating inventory item.


We can define the different types of item templates as per our requirement. 


Like We do define the Item template for Purchase , Sales , FG , WIP items and then in Item master form we can select this template to automatically initialise the required item attributes rather than assigning the item attributes manually for each item in item master form.





Question 29:- What is UOM class in Oracle Fusion SCM cloud application ?


Answer:- UOM class is the set/combination of multiple uom's in oracle fusion application.



UOM classes let you group different UMO’s into one category. Eg, quantitycould be a UOM class under which each, dozen, lot etc are separate UOM’s.

Question 30:- What is Category and Category set in Oracle Fusion SCM Cloud application ?

Answer:- A category is a classification of inventory items that have the same nature or similar characteristics.

A category set is a distinct grouping scheme , consists and combination of multiple categories. An item can belong to any number of category sets. We can assign Inventory item to one category within each category set. 

Question 31:- Explain the Picking Order concept of Subinventory or Locator in Oracle Fusion SCM Application ? Where we define the picking order in Oracle Fusion SCM application inventory module?


Picking Order of Subinventory and locator indicates the priority with which we pick items from sub-inventory or Locator, relative to another sub-inventory or locator, where a given item resides. A picking order of 1 means that order entry functions pick items from the sub-inventory or locator before others with a higher number (such as 2,3 and so on).



The sub-inventory order is defined in the sub-inventory definition and the locator order is defined in the locator definition. The default order for both the subinventory and the locator are defined in the organisation.






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Anonymous said...

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