How to Create Dependent LOV in Oracle Fusion Report
This is the parameters of Supplier in BIP reports as below.
P_VENDOR_NAME is the parameters name of Vendor.
Parameter Type Should be Menu if you are attaching LOV to Parameter.
This is the LOV of P_VENDOR_NAME parameter.
SQL Query :- select vendor_name from poz_suppliers_v
Then go back to Parameter P_VENDOR_NAME and attach this LOV to this parameter as below.
We are Creating P_VENDOR_SITE
We are Creating Vendor Site Lov with below Query.
SELECT pvs.vendor_site_code
FROM poz_supplier_sites_all_m pvs, hz_locations hzl, hz_party_sites hps ,POZ_SUPPLIERS PSWHERE hzl.location_id = pvs.location_id
AND hps.party_site_id = pvs.party_site_id
AND pvs.vendor_id=PS.VENDOR_ID
Now we are going back to P_VENDOR_NAME paramter and do below change as below.
Now i am going to attach Site LOV to P_VENDOR_SITE parameter as below
How to Create Dependent LOV in Oracle Fusion Report
Hi..Thanks for preparing and posting such a Useful article!!
I have a doubt.. In R12, for value sets, we have meaning,description and code.. but here in fusion, in lov--> how to map the code, meaning and description columns if needed...
this is list of value set which we associate with concurrent program parameter. I think you are going to be campier with Lookup of EBS.
Hello Guru, Can you please walk though us about the dependent value set in fusion.?
Hi Sam ,
I will share the new post for your current requirement.
Hi Sam ,
Please refer this below post for step by step process to create dependent value set in fusion.
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Really very helpful article , Thank you for sharing
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