Thursday, 1 February 2018

ESS Job Security in Oracle Fusion : How we can assign ESS Job access to Specific User in Fusion

ESS Job Security in Oracle Fusion : How we can assign ESS Job access to Specific User.

In friends , In this post I will show you step in Oracle Fusion to assign ESS job Access to Fusion Users.

In Oracle r12 , we create Request Group and then assign Concurrent program to the request group and then as per the responsibility we assign request group to Responsibility and in the last assign responsibility to users so in the end user can only run those reports which are assigned to his responsibility request group.

In Fusion , This Request Group structure is Totally changed. In Fusion We did not create request group to assign Reports. Here in Fusion we pronounce report as a ESS job , so fusion , create Privileges to each ESS job and then we assign ESS job to roles and then in the end we assign roles to Fusion User.

I am sharing you the steps for that.

As per Oracle Metalink Note Doc ID 2251561.1

Create the ESS job using the task Manage Custom Enterprise Scheduler Jobs for ...
For example using task 'Manage Custom Enterprise Scheduler Jobs for Payables and Related Applications' create ESS job
Display Name: 'Rel12 Custom ESS Job – Testing'
Name: XXRel12CustomESS
Path: Rel12

Run the ESS job 'Import User and Role Application Security Data'

Verify that the privilege 'Rel12 Custom ESS Job – Testing' have been created using the Security Console

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For jobs created before Rel12 the privileges created in APM are not migrated automatically. Users need to edit the job definition which will create the privilege for that job. Then run ESS job 'Import User and Role Application Security Data' to see the privileges in Security Console.
Using same Security Console create a custom job role and add the privilege 'Rel12 Custom ESS Job – Testing' as function security policy
Assign the created job role to an user
  • Run again the ESS job 'Import User and Role Application Security Data'
  • Login as the user who has the given privilege and in Scheduled Processes schedule the new job created



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