Sunday, 18 February 2018

My Folders and Shared folders in Oracle Fusion Reports

My Folders and Shared folders in Oracle Fusion Reports

Hi Friends, in this post we will discuss about My Folders and Shared folders in Oracle Fusion Reports. We have two Folder options in Oracle Fusion to register and save our custom OTBI and BIP reports.

My Folders

 'My Folders' is your own folder. It means it is specific to each user. when you will create your report under this folder then no one in the application can see and access these reports because these are saved and created under your My folder. so this is totally yours personal Development.

Shared Folders

Shared Folders is your Application common Folder. It means it is shared across users of the application as per the roles. Shared folders has many Sub-folders related to the Work related and Module Related.
Oracle has already given standard OTBI reports ,Data Models and Dashboards under the sub-folders in the Shared Folders. When you will create any report under the sub-folder of Shared Folders then your report will be visible and accessible to others users of the application as per the Permission and role of that user.
My Folders and Shared folders in Oracle Fusion Reports
Subfolder under Shared folders 
My Folders and Shared folders in Oracle Fusion Reports

Custom Folder

Oracle fusion has given custom folder under the shared folders of Reports. The purpose of this Custom folder is that , if you want to create a report which will be visible to other user of the application then you have to create this report under the Shared Folders but in the Shared folder you will be create this report under the sub-folder related to your report like for AP invoice report you will be create under 'Financials' folder but as per the oracle Fusion practice , you should not to create the custom report under standard folder of shared folder because during upgrade or any patch impact your custom report could be removed so for this Fusion has provided you custom folder under this custom folder oracle fusion provided all the standard sub-folder. So report under the custom folder is the recommended method by Oracle.
If you want to know how to create fusion report you can Click Fusion Reports
My Folders and Shared folders in Oracle Fusion Reports


raveena said...
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raveena said...

Nice artical
Oracle Fusion Technical Online Training

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