Monday 2 July 2018

External region in oaf

External region in oaf

External Region we creates for the OAF list of value . We creates the OAF Lov in the different region and then in the Main OAF page , We call this LOV region in the messagelov input field of the OAF Page. This is the way we create the LOV in the OAF page and then add this region to the fields in the OAF page as an external region So when we open the List of the value in the OAF page then it opens the another region in the Base page and that region we call the External Region of the LOV. Here below I am sharing the steps to create the External Region for List of Value and then use this region in the LOV field of the OAF Page.

Steps to Create External Region for LOV in OAF

1.First we will create a Workspace.Workspace Name:=RohitLovCreation.

Right Click on "Applications".Click on "NewOAWorkspace".

External region in oaf
 Enter the name of Workspace="RohitLovCreation".Click Ok. 

External region in oaf
 Project wizard will open as below click next.
External region in oaf
 Enter the name of the Project="RohitLovCreation".
Default Package= ""

Package determines the directory where the java class files and other files related to this project strored.
In this directory oracle.apps.fnd must be required."fnd" is the oracle application shortname you can use other applications like "ak" in this.

External region in oaf

Enter the RunTime connection details as below.Enter the E-business Suit Application User Name and Password.(already explained in the JDev installation)

Workspace and project has been created as below.
External region in oaf

Now we will create a page on which we will create our LOv feild.

Right Click on Project "RohitLovCreation".

External region in oaf

Click on Page and then ok.

External region in oaf

Enter the Page Name="RohitLovCreationPG"

Default Package=""

we create the page under the webui under the project directory.

External region in oaf
When you create the page a default Region1 has created as below

External region in oaf

  Change the name of the Region1 with "PageLayoutRN".
In OAF to run the page we need to create OAF Page.Without Application Module we cannot run the OAf Page.

Right Click on the Project "RohitLovCreation".Click New.

External region in oaf
Application Module wizard has open as below click next
External region in oaf

Enter the Application Module name="RohitLovCreationAM"

Defualt Package=""

we create "Application module" under the "Server" directory of the project as OAF Standard.

Click next and then finish.

External region in oaf
 Click Next and then Finish.
Application Module has created.
External region in oaf

To Show Supplier Lov We need to create the Supplier View Object(VO).

Right Click on the Project "RohitLovCreation".Click New.

External region in oaf

View Object Name=SupplierVO
Defualt Package=""

This VO is for LOV so to identify easily we we will create another directroy lov under the project directory as above.

Click Next and go to step 5 as below.

External region in oaf

For LOV We have to create another region.
So to create region Right Click on the Project "RohitLovCreation".Click New.
External region in oaf

Click Region and then OK.
External region in oaf

Region Name="SupplierRG"
Default Package=""

External region in oaf

Region has created.
External region in oaf

Right Click on the "SupplierRG" in the Structure Window.Click New=>Click Table.
Region1 has created as below.
External region in oaf
Right Click on Region1.Click New=>messagestylestext.
External region in oaf

item1 has created as below
As like this Create "item2" & "item3".
External region in oaf
Now for this region "SupplierRG" we have to create another Application Module and then attach this AM to SupplierRG region.

Right Click on the project "RohitLovCreation".

Enter the Application Module name="SupplierAM"

Defualt Package=""

we create "Application module" under the "Server" directory of the project as OAF Standard.

Click next.

Now in the step2 we will select SupplierVO and shuttle this to the availabe list.

Application Module has created.

Now attach the Application Module "SupplierAM" with the Region "SupplierRG".

Click on the region1 in the SupplierRG as show below and attach the AM.

After this Click on item1.Go to the Property Inspector Window.
Set Property.
View Instance=SupplierVO

As like Above Set property for item2 and item3.
Item2 Property
View Instance=SupplierVO

View Instance=SupplierVO

Now Click on the main Page "RohitLovCreationPG"

Then in the Structure Region.Right click on "PageLayoutRN".Click Region.
Region1 has created.Now click on Region1 as below.

 Right Click "region1".Click New=>Click Item.

Now Click on Item1.

Go to the Property Inspector for item1.
Change ItemStyle=messagelovinput.
External Lov=/

Now click on lovMap1.

In the property inspector for "lovMap1".
Select Lov Region Item =item1
Creteria item=item1
Return Item=item1                //Lov returns value in which feild of the page




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