Wednesday 18 July 2018

query to get po matched invoices in oracle apps

Query to get po matched invoices in oracle apps

Here you fill the sql script to get the po matched invoices in oracle apps. This sql querry will give you the list of the invoices which we have matched with the purchase order in oracle apps. I am sharing the table involved in this sql query. When we match the purchase order with the Payables Invoice then PO_DISTRIBUTION_ID of the purchase order stores in the ap_invoice_distributions_all of the Invoice.


Tables Involved.

sql query to get po matched invoices in oracle apps

SELECT distinct pha.segment1 po_number
       ,aia.invoice_num invoice_number
       ,rsh.receipt_num receipt_number
  FROM po_headers_all pha
       ,po_distributions_all pda
       ,ap_invoice_distributions_all aid
       ,ap_invoices_all aia
 WHERE pha.po_header_id=pda.po_header_id
   AND aid.po_distribution_id=pda.po_distribution_id
   AND aia.invoice_id=aid.invoice_id
   AND pha.segment1=nvl(:P_PO_NUM,pha.segment1)
   AND aia.invoice_num=nvl(:P_INVOICE_NUM,aia.invoice_num)
 order by 2


Once Upon A Time in My Mind said...

missing rsh table

Atul Dhiman said...

SELECT distinct pha.segment1 po_number
,aia.invoice_num invoice_number
,rsh.receipt_num receipt_number
FROM po_headers_all pha
,po_distributions_all pda
,ap_invoice_distributions_all aid
,ap_invoices_all aia
,rcv_shipment_lines rsl
,rcv_shipment_headers rsh
WHERE pha.po_header_id=pda.po_header_id
AND aid.po_distribution_id=pda.po_distribution_id
AND aia.invoice_id=aid.invoice_id
AND rsl.po_header_id=pha.po_header_id
AND rsl.shipment_header_id=rsh.shipment_header_id
AND pha.segment1=nvl(:P_PO_NUM,pha.segment1)
AND aia.invoice_num=nvl(:P_INVOICE_NUM,aia.invoice_num)
AND rsh.receipt_num=nvl(:P_RECEIPT_NUM,rsh.receipt_num)
order by 2

Unknown said...

Query to get Both Matched and Un matched invoice ...i have query for Matched invoice i need to bring un matched invoice also

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