Wednesday 11 July 2018

Set fire action programmatically in oaf.Fireaction in oaf

Set fire action programmatically in oaf. FireAction in oaf

Fire action is related to the OAF Page Loading or rendering. For Example if you want to refresh some specific bean or item of the page then you will use the fire partial action. Fire Action is uses for complete Page Rendering(PPR). It will cause whole page to render again.. Here in this example , I am sharing the example to Fire Action programmatically in OAF Page.

This code we will write under this Process request Method.

oracle.cabo.ui.action.FireAction XXFireAction = new oracle.cabo.ui.action.fireAction();



XXPhnNo.setPrimaryClientAction(XXFireAction);   //XXPhnNo is the id of the field.

Process Form Request
super.processFormRequest(pageContext, webBean);


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