Sunday 30 September 2018

OAF page deployment in to ebs r12

OAF page deployment in to ebs r12

In this post, We will discuss about OAF page deployment in to ebs r12. Once our development completes in J-Developer then we need to deploy that page in the ebs to run that oaf page in the Oracle application ebs12. Here in this post , I will share the complete steps for OAF page deployment in to ebs r12. You can refer this post for your oaf page deployment.

Steps of OAF page deployment in to ebs r12

We need to move all the files of the OAF page under Java_Top of the Server. Once all the Files moved to Java_Top then we register the Page , Controller and Java files in the application through JPX importer script.

These are the below steps to OAF page deployment in to ebs r12

1.Move all the files of the OAF page under Java_Top of the Server
2.Register these file with the JPX Importer Script.
java $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/xxap/oie/lov/server/XXInvVO.xml -rootdir $JAVA_TOP -username apps -password apps -dbconnection " (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=serer_name)(PORT=10002))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=test)))"
java $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/xxap/oie/lov/server/XXInvPG.xml -rootdir $JAVA_TOP -username apps -password apps -dbconnection " (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=serer_name)(PORT=10002))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=test)))"

Registering OAF Pages in Oracle application

Function : OafWorkflowIntegrationRG
User Function Name : OafWorkflowIntegrationRG
Type : SSWA jsp function

OAF page deployment in to ebs r12

OAF page deployment in to ebs r12

Types of roles in oracle fusion

Types of roles in oracle fusion

In this post , we will discuss about Types of roles in oracle fusion. Oracle fusion has provided many types of roles as per our need. Fusion roles concept is totally different as compared to the Oracle responsibility concepts. In Oracle r12 , If we want to given access to the Oracle application then we do assign the Oracle apps r12 responsibilities but in Oracle fusion , We need to attach roles to the users to give access of the Oracle Application. Here below in this Post , I will discuss in detail types of roles available in oracle fusion and what is the purpose of each type of roles.

Oracle has provide these four Types of roles in oracle fusion.

  • Abstract role
  • Job roles
  • Duty roles
  • Data roles

For example:- Procurement manager has procurement job roles in oracle fusion but to perform his procurement job he has to perform some duties and that come under duty roles. and this procurement manager can also employee so he have employee role also and that is abstract role.

Abstract role:-

Abstract role not related to any specific his or her Job. We can say abstract role are those which user need to perform his other duties beside his job roles. It means User need to perform the task associated with the duties of work not related to his particular job.

Abstract roles also inherit duty roles.

Job Roles :-

Job roles are a type of enterprise role which is specific to your job in your company.

Job roles inherit duty roles that one person need to perform the tasks associated with the duties of the job. Job roles are not assigned entitlement to access functions directly. You change job roles by changing their hierarchy of inherited abstract and duty roles. Job roles may inherit other job roles, abstract roles, and duty roles.

Duty Roles :

Duty roles are a type of application role. The reference implementation contains predefined duty roles.

For example, the Accounts Payable Manager job role inherits the Approving Payables Invoices Duty role.

Duty roles provide access to the application functions that users require to perform the tasks associated with the duty.

Data Roles :

Data roles are a type of enterprise role. This kind of roles to provide data access or grants. It may inherit abstract, duty or job roles

The access is explicit because the grant is defined based on the needs and data of the enterprise.

If you want to see Other OAF Related Posts , Please visit Below URL.

If you want to see  Oracle Fusion Related Posts , Please visit Below URL.

Oracle Fusion Approval Workflow

Oracle Fusion Approval Workflow

In this post , We will discuss about Oracle Fusion Approval Workflow. We designs Approval Workflow in Oracle fusion with the help of BPM (Business Process Management). BPM is the Tool of Oracle fusion with the help of this we implements and create approvals rules in the Oracle application. Same like Position Hierarchy and the AME tool available in the Oracle apps r12.Orcle Fusion approval workflow is the process to take approval from authority to do some specific transactions in the Oracle application.BPM is a complete set of tools for creating, executing, and optimizing business processes in Oracle Fusion. We can design the approval processes in BPM. We can design the Business approval processes in Oracle fusion with the Help of BPM. This is an Integrated Tool available in Oracle fusion to design and maintain approval rules as per the business needs. In this Oracle Fusion Workflow Tutorial I will start with Basics to understand more about the BPM. Here below you will get the complete information's and the important topics of Oracle Fusion Approval Workflow.

Example of Oracle Fusion Approval Workflow

Business Case :-
Case1. Expense Amount is less or Equal to 1000 and Business Unit is 'OU1' then Approval Notification will go to First Supervisor.
Case2. Expense Amount is greater then 1000 but less then or equal to 5000 and Business Unit is 'OU1' then Approval Notification will go to First 2 Supervisor's.
Case3. Expense Amount is greater then 5000 and Business Unit is 'OU1' then Approval Notification will go to First 3 Supervisor's and then go to Plant Head for the approval.

Expenses Approval in Oracle Fusion BPM

Step1:- Select the 'FinExmWorkflowExpenseApproval' task from the BPM worklist.
Then Click on 'Rules' Tab from the Right Side.

Oracle Fusion Approval Workflow
 Step2:- This is the Rules approval process and will do un-check all others approval rule except the below approval rule like 'Expense Report Del' and 'Expense' Report Approver'.

Click on the Expense Report Approver rule.

Oracle Fusion Approval Workflow

Step3:-  Click on the Expense Report approvers rule as below.

Oracle Fusion Approval Workflow
 Step4:- Here we will create Conditions based on our Business requirement.

Oracle Fusion Approval Workflow

Step5:- Here below this is the Frist approval Rule I will create.
Rule Name: level 1 approval.

Oracle Fusion Approval Workflow


Step6:- In the If condition select the Search Icon to create Conditions.
We have already all the variables based on the expense report to create conditions.
Oracle Fusion Approval Workflow

Step7:- Go to under Expense Report folder as below.

Oracle Fusion Approval Workflow
Step8:- Under Expense Report Select the Business Unit Column.
Oracle Fusion Approval Workflow

Step9:-  This is the First Condition created for 'OU1'  then click on the icon in right side and select 'Simple Test' option to create Second condition for Expense Amount.
Oracle Fusion Approval Workflow
Step10:- Go to under Expense Report folder as below and then Select Expense Report Total.
Oracle Fusion Approval Workflow
Step11:- This is the First Rule Created with two Conditions as below.
Oracle Fusion Approval Workflow
Step 12:- Now Click on the '+' icon under THEN option to create Approval action item.
Oracle Fusion Approval Workflow
Step13:- Select the Appropriate Approver Type as per your Business need. Here we will select Supervisory
Oracle Fusion Approval Workflow
Step14:- This is the Supervisory approval Action created for level1.
Oracle Fusion Approval Workflow
This BPM configuration is quite long so I will share rest of the steps  related to this I-Expense Approval BPM configuration in the next Post. Please refer BPM Expense Approval Part2 for rest of the Steps

Oracle Fusion bpm worklist

Oracle Fusion bpm worklist

In this post , we will discuss about Oracle Fusion bpm worklist. BPM is the tool available in the Oracle fusion to designs the approvals. BPM worklist is one of the components of the BPM. So if we want to design the approvals in the Oracle fusion then we need to use the BPM tool. BPM means Business Process Management. BPM is a complete set of tools for creating, executing, and optimizing business processes in Oracle Fusion. Oracle Fusion BPM worklist is available in the Oracle BPM tool which shows the list of all the available approval workflows for different modules like For AP Invoices , Expense Report workflow, GL workflow , AP payment Workflow and many more. So you can find all available approval workflows given by the oracle fusion through BPM Worklist. Here below I will share the Oracle Fusion bpm worklist in more detail.

Oracle Fusion bpm worklist

Here below you can see the BPM worklist. This page opens when you do clicks or open the BPM tool. You also search for the specific workflow for some specific task in the BPM worklist. As Example in this below Picture , I can see Approvals for Cash Advance , Expense Approval. You need to click on that specific task like Expense approval , and in the Rules section you can start designing you approval and create approval rules as per your business requirements.
Oracle Fusion bpm worklist

Oracle Fusion workflow tutorial

Oracle Fusion workflow tutorial

In this post , We will discuss about Oracle Fusion workflow tutorial. In Oracle Fusion , oracle has given a new tool to designs the approvals in the Oracle fusion. In this post , I will share the complete steps for how to design these approvals with this new tool. The tool which we will be discuss in this Oracle Fusion Workflow Tutorial is BPM.BPM means Business Process Management. BPM is a complete set of tools for creating, executing, and optimizing business processes in Oracle Fusion. We can design the approval processes in BPM. We can design the Business approval processes in Oracle fusion with the Help of BPM. This is an Integrated Tool available in Oracle fusion to design and maintain approval rules as per the business needs. In this Oracle Fusion Workflow Tutorial I will start with Basics to understand more about the BPM.

Oracle Fusion workflow tutorial Topics

1. BPM Tool Introduction and its Components Information
2. BPM Configuration Information's. 
3.BPM Setup Introductions
4.How To Configure BPM for Expense approvals.

BPM Tool Introduction and its Components Information

We can Design the BPM approval processes based on this below options.
Oracle Fusion workflow tutorial
Supervisory Approval:-
We can create Approvals based on the 'Supervisory' Hierarchy it means approval will go to requestor supervisors rules.
Position Approval :-
We can create Approvals based on the 'Positional' Hierarchy it means approval will follow the positional hierarchy.
Management Chain:-
We can create approval also based on the management chain in our organization.
In this option we can create approvals based on the Specific person of the organization where we want to send the approval notifications
Approval Group:-
we can also create approval group to which we send the approval notifications.
We can put any business rules in the BPM to meet the business requirement for the approvals. This BPM is little bit similar about AME in Oracle R12. Where we designs the business approval rules but in Fusion AME is obsoleted and BPM is uses to design the approval rules.
This is the BPM tool as below where we have the standard worklist for each module like AP Invoice approval , Expense Report Approval Journal approval many more.
Oracle Fusion workflow tutorial

BPM Configuration Information's

Step1:- Go to Navigator and Setup and Maintenance.
Oracle Fusion workflow tutorial
Step2:- Find the 'Manage Expense Approval Rule' in the find field of Setup and Maintenance.
You can see all the business approval tasks available in the BPM through this Function.
Oracle Fusion workflow tutorial


Step3:- BPM Worklist and Tool

This is the BPM worklist where we have the tasks of most of the business process in Oracle fusion like 'Invoice, Expense , Journal , Asset approval'
Here we configures the BPM rules to implement approval processes in the Fusion application. Oracle fusion has given the BPM tasks for most of the important business processes. This is the complete window where you can find , configure and crate new business approval rules in the existing business BPM Tasks. These all are the standard BPM tasks you cannot create a new custom tsk here.
In the Left hand side , You can see all the tasks like 'ActivityManagement' , 'BankAcctTransferApprovalErrorFyi' like that.
Here below I have highlighted the BPM approval task(FINApInvoiceApproval) for AP Invoice
Oracle Fusion workflow tutorial

Step4:- GL Journal Approval BPM Task

Here I have highlighted the GL Journal Approval BPM task.
Oracle Fusion workflow tutorial

Step5:- Expense Approval BPM Task

Here I have highlighted the expense report approval BPM task. 
Oracle Fusion workflow tutorial

 Step6:- Oracle Fusion Payment approval BPM Task.

Here is highlighted the  Oracle Fusion Payment approval BPM Task.
Oracle Fusion workflow tutorial
You can also find the other BPM tasks as per your business requirement. This is really an impressive and easy tool to configure the complex business structure in the BPM tasks and create approvals on that.

Supplier Aging report in oracle apps r12

supplier aging report in oracle apps r12

In this post , We will discuss about Supplier Aging report in oracle apps r12 . Supplier aging reports helps us to identify the creditor aging which is due in terms of the Due Date. In other words Supplier aging helps to divide our current outstanding of our suppliers in terms of the Days or Buckets. for example If I want to see the how much outstanding amount is due with in 30 days and how much is next 30 days from 31 to 60 days. It helps us to plan cash flows of  the companies. Here below I will share the AP aging report query in oracle apps.

Complete Example of AP aging report query in oracle apps

SELECT   org_name,












                 WHEN past_due_days >= -999 AND past_due_days < 0








                 WHEN past_due_days >= 0 AND past_due_days <= 30






                 "0 to 30",


                 WHEN past_due_days > 30 AND past_due_days <= 60






                  "31 to 60",


                 WHEN past_due_days > 60 AND past_due_days <= 90






                  "61 to 90",


                 WHEN past_due_days > 90 AND past_due_days <= 120






                   "61 to 120",


                 WHEN past_due_days > 120 AND past_due_days <= 999999






                   " More than 120 Days"

       FROM   (SELECT org_name,

                        pv.vendor_name vendor_name,

                        pv.segment1 vendor_number,

                        pvs.vendor_site_code || ' ' || || ' ' || state


                        i.invoice_num invoice_number,


                        i.invoice_type_lookup_code invoice_type,

                        i.invoice_date Invoice_Date,

                        i.gl_date Gl_Date,

                        ps.due_date Due_Date,


                        (CEIL (SYSDATE - ps.due_date)) past_due_days, -- DAYS_DUE,

                        DECODE (



                           DECODE (



                              ROUND (

                                 ( (NVL (ps.amount_remaining, 0)

                                    / (NVL (i.payment_cross_rate, 1)))

                                  * NVL (i.exchange_rate, 1)),



                              ROUND( ( (NVL (ps.amount_remaining, 0)

                                        / (NVL (i.payment_cross_rate, 1)))

                                      * NVL (i.exchange_rate, 1))

                                    / 0)

                              * 0


                           DECODE (




                              DECODE (



                                 ROUND (

                                    ( (NVL (ps.amount_remaining, 0)

                                       / (NVL (ps.payment_cross_rate, 1)))

                                     * NVL (i.exchange_rate, 1)),



                                 ROUND( ( (NVL (ps.amount_remaining, 0)

                                           / (NVL (i.payment_cross_rate, 1)))

                                         * NVL (i.exchange_rate, 1))

                                       / 0)

                                 * 0





                 FROM   ap_payment_schedules_all ps,

                        ap_invoices_all i,

                        ap_suppliers pv,

                        ap_supplier_sites_all pvs,

                        hr_operating_units hou

                WHERE       i.invoice_id = ps.invoice_id

                        AND i.vendor_id = pv.vendor_id

                        AND i.vendor_site_id = pvs.vendor_site_id

                        AND i.org_id = hou.organization_id

                        AND i.cancelled_date IS NULL

                        AND (NVL (ps.amount_remaining, 0)

                             * NVL (i.exchange_rate, 1)) != 0

                        AND i.payment_status_flag IN ('N', 'P')

                           and i.org_id =:p_org_id)

   ORDER BY   vendor_number,Invoice_number

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