Sunday 18 November 2018

API to update person type in oracle hrms

API to update person type in oracle hrms

In this post , we will be discuss about API to update person type in oracle hrms. To update the person type we need to use the API  'hr_person_api.update_person'. With the help of this API we can also update other Employee information's which I will be share in this Sample API Script. API is the most safest method to update or make any changes in the employee records from backend and this is very fast as compared to the Interfaces process. Here below I will share the complete PLSQL script using API to update person type in oracle hrms.
API to update person type in oracle hrms

Sample Script of API to update person type in oracle hrms

   ln_object_version_number PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F.OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER%TYPE := 3;
lc_employee_number VARCHAr2(30) := '105929';
 lb_correction           BOOLEAN;
   lb_update               BOOLEAN;
   lb_update_override      BOOLEAN;
   lb_update_change_insert BOOLEAN;
  ld_effective_start_date     DATE;
   ld_effective_end_date       DATE;
   lc_full_name                PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F.FULL_NAME%TYPE;
   ln_comment_id               PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F.COMMENT_ID%TYPE;
   lb_name_combination_warning BOOLEAN;
   lb_assign_payroll_warning   BOOLEAN;
   lb_orig_hire_warning        BOOLEAN;
   lc_dt_ud_mode               VARCHAR2(200) := 'CORRECTION';
                               p_person_id             => 4273,
                               p_last_name             => 'Ravi',
                               p_effective_date        => TO_DATE('12-NOV-2018'),
                               p_person_type_id        => 1469 --Entrig the Person Type for Updation in the Employees Records----
                               p_datetrack_update_mode => lc_dt_ud_mode,
                               p_employee_number          => lc_employee_number,
                               p_object_version_number    => ln_object_version_number,
                               p_effective_start_date     => ld_effective_start_date,
                               p_effective_end_date       => ld_effective_end_date,
                               p_full_name                => lc_full_name,
                               p_comment_id               => ln_comment_id,
                               p_name_combination_warning => lb_name_combination_warning,
                               p_assign_payroll_warning   => lb_assign_payroll_warning,
                               p_orig_hire_warning        => lb_orig_hire_warning);


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