Friday 23 November 2018

Conversion Rate type table in oracle apps

Conversion Rate type table in oracle apps

In this post, We will be discuss about conversion rate type table in oracle apps. Conversion rate type uses to create different -different exchange rates for the same currencies but with different conversion types. For Example, there are Two BU’s (A & B) in Oracle. One Work for India and Second for Singapore and both refers different strategies to find the currencies exchange rate so it might be the case both have different -2 exchange rates for the same currency on same date so for this kind of cases we can create the Conversion Types Like Conversion for A and Conversion for B So with this we can create two different exchange rates for the same currency on same date with different conversion Types.  Conversion Rate type table Store this conversion type information’s and with the help of this we further find Currencies exchange rates from the system.
Conversion Rate type table in oracle apps

2 Important Conversion Rate type table in oracle apps


SQL Query Using Conversion Rate type table in oracle apps

typ.user_conversion_type "User Conversion Type"
,      rat.from_currency        "From Currency"
,      rat.to_currency          "To Currency"
FROM   gl_daily_conversion_types typ
,      gl_daily_rates            rat
WHERE  rat.conversion_type = typ.conversion_type
AND    rat.from_currency   < rat.to_currency




Robert said...

Great and inspiring thoughts, I will definitely wait for your next update. These kind of content just motivate a person to raise.. top 10 techniques to improve conversion rate optimization

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