Sunday 18 November 2018

per_all_people_f and fnd_user join : How to Get Employee Name again Oracle Application User Account

per_all_people_f and fnd_user join : How to Get Employee Name again Oracle Application User Account

In this post , we will be discuss how to join the per_all_people_f and fnd_user tables. per_all_people_f table having all the Employee related informations and fnd_user table have the informations of the application users accounts details. so when we create the User account we can also specify for which Employee we are creating this User Account. so to find this king of information from backend we need to have per_all_people_f and fnd_user join.
per_all_people_f and fnd_user join

Complete per_all_people_f and fnd_user join

fnd_user ==> Employee_Id
Per_all_people_f ==> Person_id
Select * from per_all_people_f  papf , fnd_user fu11
where papf.person_id=fu11.employee_id


Unknown said...

Thank you

Unknown said...

Many thanks

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