Monday, 10 December 2018

TOP 20 general ledger interview questions in oracle apps r12

TOP 20 general ledger interview questions in oracle apps r12
Here in this Post, I am sharing the Top 20 general ledger interview questions, which is most frequently asked by the Interviewer. I have shared the Detail Answers with Working example for these Interview questions for more understanding.
TOP 20 general ledger interview questions in oracle apps r12

TOP 20 General ledger interview questions List


What is Recurring Journals?

Answers: Recurring journals uses for that entries which we entered or reported every month. With the Help of Recurring Journals, we don’t need to enter these manually every month but instead off system will do this automatically.

Three Recurring Journals

Skeleton Journal Entries: Skeleton entries affect the same accounts each period, but have different posting amounts.

Standard Recurring Journal Entries: Standard recurring journal entries use the same accounts and amounts each period.

Recurring Journal Formula Entries: Formula entries use formulas to calculate journal amounts that vary from period to period.

What is Encumbrance Accounting in Oracle ?

Answers : 

Encumbrance Accounting is uses in the general Ledger to put the Budgetary control in System. This helps to implement the Budget in the System and to stop the system to cross the budget Limits. Encumbrance Accounting checks for the Fund to be available in the Budget for the given GL account combination. We can record the pre-expenditures using this feature in oracle.


What is Revaluation in General Ledger ?

Answers :

We use Revaluation for the Foreign currency amounts.  This helps to evaluate the exact amount of Liability and revenue for the period During Month End or unrealized gain/loss amount which occurred due to foreign exchange rate fluctuations. Revaluation happens on the account level. We can choose for which account we need to run the Revaluation. For Example, My Total Liability as per my GL account is 2 Lakh in which many of the invoices are foreign currency. So system has fetch the exchange rate as per the Invoice Date and calculate the Liability but in actual this Liability is Wrong because if now I have to pay this Invoice I have to pay with the Current Exchange rate so that is the same thing Revaluation process does in the General Leger In which It create the Revaluation Journal based on the Current Exchange rate for the difference of the exchange rate price and evaluate the final Profit and Loss so by this way , we do have right figures in the hand about liability and the revenue . Revaluation only do for GL accounts.  Revaluation process runs during the period end. This process creates the Journal Entry that either Increase or decrease the functional currency amount for that GL account. In the Revolution Process also, this unrealized gain/loss Journal will be auto revered during the beginning of the next period. So, this makes the revaluation process completes.


What is Translation in general Ledger ?

Answers : 

If you have an Requirment to prepares the Financial ratings in other currency from your functional Leger currency then translation is the best option for this. This helps to convert your GL balances from your Functional Currency to any other currency. The Good part of the Translation is this, you can do the translation for your Actual and Budgeted GL Balances.

Oracle has given the Translation Program to convert the Balances to create financial reporting’s. You need to run this Program once your GL Period has been end.


Difference between Translation and Revaluation in General Ledger?

Answers :

Revaluation is used to find the unrealized gain/loss amount which occurred due to foreign exchange rate fluctuations. This only happens for the Foreign Currency transactions but on the Other Hand Translation is totally different, this is used to convert the Prepared the GL balances in to Other Currency. The helps to prepare the Financials GL reporting’s in other currency from your functional Leger currency. Revaluation happen during the month end but translation happed after Period end activities. Both Revaluation and Translation happens for GL accounts.

What are the Types of Journal Entries in GL?


Manual Journal Entry: - Most Common Journal entry to create the Basic GL journal Accounting Transactions.

Reverse Journal Entry: - This Journal entry related to the reversal of the Original Manual Journal entry.  We can Post, the Reverse Journal in the Current Open Month or in the Future Opening Periods too.

Recurring Journal entries: - This type of Journal Entries crested only once but it automatically repeats for each Accounting Period or Month as per the rules.

Mass allocation: -

Mass Allocations are journal entries that utilize a single journal entry formula to allocate balances across a group of cost centers, departments, divisions or other segments;

What is Balancing segment in the Chart of accounts?

Answers :

Balancing Segment is one of the Import part of the chart of Accounts or Accounting Flexfield. In Oracle Accounting Flexfield is the combination of Multiple segments values. Each Segment values represent the one of the characteristics of the Chart of Account like (Company, Location, Cost Center, Department, Sub Account, Project like many). But in these GL segments combination we should have one Segment which could be act like Balancing Segments.

Balancing Segments helps to ensure that all journal entries balance for each value of the balancing segment and to ensure that entries that impact more than one balancing segment use the appropriate intercompany Account. Balancing Segments helps to make balancing the GL journals. We can define only one balancing segment for a one chart of account. It is best practice for the balancing segment to equate to company so that the debits and credits in the General Ledger balance by company.

What is Natural Account in Chart of account and What Is the Purpose of this ?

Answers :

Natural Account is one of the Important segment of the accounting Flexfield. No char of Account or Accounting KFF can design without using the Natural Account Type. We have to enable one of the Chart of accounts(KFF) segments to Natural Account”.

Natural Account Segment Type represent the Type of accounts Values in the Natural Account Segments (Like Asset, Expense, Liability, Revenue, Ownership). Only one natural account segment can be defined in a chart of accounts.

TOP 20 general ledger interview questions in oracle apps r12

What are the Ledger Components in GL?

Answers :

Ledger consists of 4C’s. 4 C’s are.

1.Chart of Accounts: Chart of Account is the Accounting Flex Field attached to this ledger.

2.Calendar: - Ledger Financial Year will be based on this Calendar.

3.Currency: - Ledger Functional currency. GL reporting will be based on this Currency. Based on this System Determines the foreign Currency in the Leger.

4.Accounting Method: - This determine the Costing method of this Ledger more about Inventory. Two Costing Methods (Standard Cost and Average cost).


How many Business Units we can create under one Ledger?

Answers :

We can create any number of BU’s under one Ledger. The Count is not restricted. Each Business Unit under single Ledger will share the share Same Chart of Accounts, currency and the Calendar but If your Business unit have different financial Period or Base Currency then you must create the New Ledger for this BU.

Can We close the Accounting Period’s for the Different Business Units under single Ledger separately?


Answers :

No, we cannot close the Accounting Period for Different Business units for the same ledger separately. The Reason is We are sharing the Same Ledger so in the Ledger there will be only one Calendar which is shared to both Business Units. So, it means if one Business unit will close the Accounting Period then the period will be close to both Business unit for this Ledger.


Where is the Place of an Legal Entity in an Organization structure in Oracle General Ledger?

Answers :

A legally recognized entity can own and trade assets and employ people; while an entity without legal recognition cannot.

TOP 20 general ledger interview questions in oracle apps r12

What is a funding budget?


A budget against which accounting transactions are checked for available funds when budgetary control is enable for your set of books.

Journal Import in General Ledger?

Answers :

Journal Import is uses to Import the GL journals from Oracle application Modules and from External Sources. When we create the Accounting in Oracle Sub Modules like Payables receivable with Transfer to GL yes but Post to GL “No” then Create accounting do the accounting of All the transactions and create the Journal entries and transfer these GL entries to the General Ledger because you have run the Accounting with Post to GL “No” then these Journals stop in this Journal Import form. Then we select the Sources manually to import or Post these Journal in the General Ledger. The same thing work for External Source Journals.
TOP 20 general ledger interview questions in oracle apps r12
What are the GL Tables in Oracle apps?
TOP 20 general ledger interview questions in oracle apps r12


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