Tuesday, 11 December 2018

Top 20 Oracle workflow interview questions

Top 20 Oracle workflow interview questions

Here in this Post, I am sharing the Top 20  Oracle workflow interview questions, which is most frequently asked by the Interviewer. I have shared the Detail Answers with Working example for these Interview questions for more understanding.
Top 20 Oracle workflow interview questions

Oracle workflow interview questions List

What is the role of workflow in Oracle apps.
Workflow in Oracle is used to send Notifications, to Create Approvals and then Route Information’s from one uses to another. We design the Approval Processes in the Workflow builder and this routes the information’s as step by step a per the process design.
What is the role of Item Type in Oracle workflow?
Answers:- You can simulate the PO Approval in above picture as an Item type. Item Type you can say that DB object under which you will do your all working. So, if you are going to design a new workflow for some specific requirement, you will create one Item type and will do all your working under this.
Item Type is the thing which will save in your data bases as a DB object and under this you can see your all workflow related objects for specific item type.

As an example, for PO approval Item Type is PO Approval
Expense Approval   Item Type is Expense Approval

When you will do right click on PO Approval Item type you can go to its properties.
Top 20 Oracle workflow interview questions

3. What is the meaning of Attribute in Oracle Workflow Builder?

Attributes: -   Attributes are like the variables in workflow builder which is used to store values, Initialize and assign values in all Workflow process. If you want to save some value in workflow builder like approver name, or anything else you must create attributes and when you are designing the workflow notification then if you want some value dynamic then again you need to have attributes for that.

4. What is Access Level in Oracle workflow Builder?

Oracle has provided the way to customize the standard workflows in Oracle apps so some time to meet business critical Requirment we need to customization the standard workflow. but when any new patch applies in the system then it can remove the customization. For this Oracle has provided the access level in oracle workflow.

The access levels are defined as follows:

à     0-9: Reserved for Oracle Workflow

à     10-19: Reserved for Oracle Application Object Library

à     20-99: Reserved for Oracle E-Business Suite

à     100-999: Reserved for customer organizations

If you are doing any customization in Oracle Standard workflows through workflow builder then first thing you need to do is to set the access level of your workflow builder =20. Then when you will do the workflow customization with this access level then it will safe/preserve from oracle patch activity/updates.


6. How we can Start the Workflow from Backend?


Answers: - These are two Workflow Packages uses to start the Workflow Process in Backend.

WF_ENGINE.CREATEPROCESS(v_itemtype, v_itemkey, v_process);


      WF_ENGINE.STARTPROCESS(v_itemtype, v_itemkey);


What is set Override address in Oracle Workflow?


Set Override address is the feature of Workflow Notification Mailer. We all know that Workflow Notification Mailer is uses to send email notifications to the recipients as per the Workflow process but with the help of set Override address feature , we can route all the Workflow Notification Mailer email notifications to one specific email address.

Go to Workflow Administrator Web Applications è Workflow Manager è View Details


Click on the Button 'Set Override Address' as below and set the email address in this to route all the system workflow emails to this email

Top 20 Oracle workflow interview questions

8. What is the Meaning of mail_status in Wf_Notifications table?


Answers: -


      If mail_status is MAIL, it means the email delivery is pending for workflow mailer to send the    notification

      If mail_status is SENT, its means mailer has sent email


      If mail_status is Null & status is OPEN, its means that no need to send email as notification preference of user is “Don’t send email”


10. What is the Purpose of Result Type in Oracle Workflow Functions?


Result type in Oracle Workflow Functions provides the options for Workflow process to decide which process will execute based on the results.



Result Type provides two options (Yes and No) and in the Workflow Data base Package We sent the result is Yes or No based on some conditions and in Workflow Processes we have also mapped two difference process paths for Yes and No Value for the Result Type.


Here below I have highlighted the Result Type Function “Are You Using PO approval Hierarchies” and we have two options “Yes” and No”.

In the Workflow Package We sent ‘Result:Y’ and ‘Result:N’

Top 20 Oracle workflow interview questions

11. What is the Extension of the Workflow file in Oracle apps?


Answers: -  Workflow files are Stored in the Oracle apps with the Extension of .wft


12. How we can Download the Workflow files from Oracle applications without backend.


Answers: -  Oracle has provided the Standard Concurrent Program 'Workflow Definitions Loader' to Upload and download the workflow files from Oracle Applications.


Parameters: -


Specify "Download" to download a process definition from the database to a flat file.

Specify "Upgrade" to apply a seed data upgrade to a database from an input file
Specify "Upload" to load a process definition from a flat file into the database. The upload mode is useful to someone who is developing a workflow process

Specify the full path and name of the file that you want to download a process definition to, or upgrade or upload a process definition from.
Item Type
If you set Mode to "Download", use the List button to choose the item type for the process definition you want to download.



14. How we can Download the Workflow files from backend ?


Answers :

To upgrade-- WFLOAD apps/pwd 0 Y UPGRADE file.wft

To upload-- WFLOAD apps/pwd 0 Y UPLOAD file.wft

To force-- WFLOAD apps/pwd 0 Y FORCE file.wft

To download-- WFLOAD apps/pwd 0 Y DOWNLOAD file.wft ITEMTYPE1 [ITEMTYPE2 ... ITEMTYPEN]

apps/pwd is the user name and password of the database.


15. What is runnable Check box?


Answers :-


We can’t run the process directly if the runnable checkbox is not selected.


16. What is Performer in Oracle Workflow?




Performer is one of the key element of the Oracle Workflow Notification function. We all know that, Notification function is uses to send the Notifications to the Recipients but how Notification function determines who is the Recipient of this Workflow Notification that things decides with the help of performer. We select that Workflow user as person in the performer to which we want to send the Notifications.



Top 20 Oracle workflow interview questions
18.  What is purpose of Expand Role in Oracle workflow ?

Answers :

When you will Enable the Expand role in workflow notification then workflow builder sends the Individual Workflow Notification to All the users of the Role and that Notifications remain in the User Notification queue until or unless that users did not respond that Notification or Close it Manually So this is the use of this Expand roles in the workflow notification but if you will not select this option then again workflow builder sends the Individual Workflow Notification to All the users of the Role  but if any user of that role respond that Notification or Close it Manually  then that notification will be automatically removed from other Users Notification queue too.

Top 20 Oracle workflow interview questions
19.  How to resend/Reprocess Failed or error out workflow notifications in Oracle apps?

Answers: -

Oracle has given the Standard concurrent request ’Resend Failed/Error Workflow Notifications' to re process the Failed and Error out Notifications in the Oracle Apps.

20. What is the Purpose of Rewind Workflow in Oracle apps?

Answers: - Rewind is the functionality of Oracle Workflows in which we rewind the workflow to an earlier activity stage, select the Rewind button. In the Rewind page, select the activity you want from the list of activities that the Workflow Engine has reached. Oracle Workflow stops processing at the current activity and resumes processing at the specified activity.

Note: You cannot rewind a suspended workflow. You must resume the workflow before you can rewind it.


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