Thursday 18 July 2019

How to Give Permissions for the OTBI reports in Oracle Cloud for Users: User Access permissions in Oracle cloud reports

How to Give Permissions for the OTBI reports in Oracle Cloud for Users: User Access permissions in Oracle cloud reports

In this post , we will discuss about the access controls and permissions access in the Oracle Cloud reports. How we can control the access of the reports specific to some roles and for uses in oracle cloud application. We can control the access at any levels for the reports in oracle cloud. I will share these levels and method in more detail in this post. User can run and view the OTBI report output based on the permission given to that user. User access permissions are very important step to run the Oracle cloud OTBI reports.

There are two types of Data access/Permissions in the OTBI reports

1. Reports Access
2.Data Access
1.Reports Access :-
To execute the report or to see the report in the report folder we should have the access to that report. Reports access are further sub-divided into three parts.
  • Execute Access
  • Modify Access
  • Run , Modify & Delete access
To run the report we should have the execute access.
To modify or edit the report code or layout we should have Modify access
To do all the Run , Modify & Delete access , We should have this third access
2.Data Access :-
After providing the Report access , How we can restrict the user to see the Particular Business Unit Data or Particular Ledger Data . These things do control through this Data Access. If you are running the OTBI report and you report is not showing any data or completing in error , this might be an issue of Data Access.

Steps to Give Permission for the OTBI reports

1. Steps for Report Access :-

Go to the OTBI report and Click on more Option highlighted as below

How to Give Permissions for the OTBI reports in Oracle Cloud for Users: User Access permissions in Oracle cloud reports

 Step2:- Click on More Option and Select the Permissions Option as highlighted below.

How to Give Permissions for the OTBI reports in Oracle Cloud for Users: User Access permissions in Oracle cloud reports

 Step3:- As below by default , BI Administrator Role have all the report access but if you want to provide access to some specific roles or users then you need to follow the below steps.

Click on the '+' icon as highlighted below.
How to Give Permissions for the OTBI reports in Oracle Cloud for Users: User Access permissions in Oracle cloud reports

Step4:-  Here below , We can provide the Report access on these levels.

In List option , we need to select 'Application Roles' if we want to assign the reports based on roles.

Select the role and drag to right side.

How to Give Permissions for the OTBI reports in Oracle Cloud for Users: User Access permissions in Oracle cloud reports

Step5:- If you want to assign the reports access based on Application user then we need to select the Users from the List. Select the desired user and drag to the right as highlighted below.

How to Give Permissions for the OTBI reports in Oracle Cloud for Users: User Access permissions in Oracle cloud reports



Aditya said...

HI..thanks for above blog..but when I assigned the user to access some report..i am facing two issues
1) User is not able to see the reports and analytics under tool.
2) If I will assign the super roles like Application implementation then user would be able to access all the report..

I need that user can access reports and analytics and there he can only access the particular report. How can I achieve that.

Anonymous said...

Once the permissions are given to user, where could they see the report?

Anonymous said...

I have OTBI report saved under 'My Folder', can I give permission to another user to run the report? Is yes, do I need to run any job to make the report visible to the user?

Rohit said...

Hi ,

You cannot give the permission to any one in 'My Folder'. 'My Folder' is personal folder for each user. Any object we do create under this folder will be visible and accessible to owner only.

If you want to give permission , then just copy this otbi report and paste it under the 'Shared Folder'. Then you can give permission to some one under 'Shared Folder' to run this report.

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