Sunday 20 October 2019

How to Update Employee Email address Through HDL in Oracle Cloud

How to Update Employee Email address Through HDL in Oracle Cloud

If we have an Requirment to Mass update the Employee email addresses in Oracle cloud , then we can do with the Help of HDL tool in Oracle Cloud. HDL (HCM Data Loader) helps to Integrate the Employee Information with External system in Oracle cloud. To mass update employee email address we can use the HDL metadata to update the exiting employee email addresses in Oracle Cloud. Here below I will share the complete source code and the detail steps to Update Employee Email address Through HDL in Oracle Cloud

Step by Step to Update Employee Email address Through HDL in Oracle Cloud

Step1:- We need to use two metadata in worker file to update the email address through HDL in oracle cloud.
Meta Data :
Meta Data Sample Data:
Meta Data :

Meta Data Sample Data:-
Here below this is the Complete worker file having , Employee Header and Employee email update script to Update Employee Email address

How to Update Employee Email address Through HDL in Oracle Cloud

Part3 HDL Tutorial in Oracle Cloud : How to Create Employees Through HDL( Employees Assignment)
To Import this Worker.Zip file we need to follow these steps as below.
Part3 HDL Tutorial in Oracle Cloud : How to Create Employees Through HDL( Employees Assignment)
Once the zip file have been prepared. Then We need to go Data Exchange

How to Rehire the Employee through HDL in Oracle cloud
How to Update Employee Email address Through HDL in Oracle Cloud
Then Data Exchange ==> HCM Data Loader ==> Import and Load Data 
How to Rehire the Employee through HDL in Oracle cloud

How to Update Employee Email address Through HDL in Oracle Cloud
How to Update Employee Email address Through HDL in Oracle Cloud


Anonymous said...

Nice blog I visit this blog it's really awesome. The important thing is that in this blog content written clearly and understandable. The content of information is very informative.
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Anonymous said...

How is employees work email id created. While hiring an employee it asks for work email id. How do we populate the work email id when we have not yet created work email id.

Anonymous said...

Hi , Thanks for the post. I am doing basic load and I am getting the below error. Please can you help ?


Error : The line for component WorkTerms with instruction MERGE doesn't include values that define a unique reference to the record. (HRC-1035347) Details: Include values for at least one of the supported keys.

I tried several times all i need to do is update the Normal hours( Working hours )

Anonymous said...

if you uploaded that dat file without taking screenshot it would have been so much trouble for you?

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