Saturday, 30 November 2019

ar interface error table in Oracle apps

AR interface error table in Oracle apps

In this post , We will be discuss about the ar interface error table. AR interface we do use in oracle apps to import or create the AR invoices from external source into the Oracle apps application.AR interface error tables helps to store the rejected AR invoices error description which failed to import or create in the Oracle apps.We do get the AR invoices error information from these AR interface error table in oracle apps. Please find below the complete detail and the sql query using the AR interface error table in oracle apps.

ar interface error table in Oracle apps

2 Important ar interface error table in Oracle apps


Detail SQL Query using ar interface error table in Oracle apps

This below SQL helps to extract the complete error details for rejected AR interface lines. We are using the AR interface error table in this sql query. We can refer this sql query to extract the AR interface error information's in oracle apps r12.

select rila.line_type,rila.description,
from apps.ra_interface_lines_all rila,apps.RA_INTERFACE_ERRORS_all riea
where rila.interface_line_id=6628353
and rila.interface_line_id=riea.interface_line_id

ar interface error table in Oracle apps


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