Tuesday 26 November 2019

BOM tables in oracle apps

BOM tables in oracle apps

In this post , We will be discuss about the BOM tables in oracle apps. BOM tables helps to store the Bill of meterial details in oracle apps. There are two important table of BOM. There two table help to store which is the BOM item and which are the components details we are using in the BOM and how much qty , resources and others which we need to create one of the BOM item in the manufacturing plant. BOM tables helps to store all these details which involve all the components , Operations details , resources details , Department detail for creating the BOM item in oracle apps. Here below i will share these BOM tables details and the Important BOM components SQL query to extract the BOM details in oracle apps r12. 

2 Important BOM tables in oracle apps 



BOM tables in oracle apps

Important SQL query using BOM tables in oracle apps

(select msi.segment1 from mtl_system_items msi where msi.inventory_item_id=bom.assembly_item_id and msi.organization_id=85) parent_item,
lpad(' ',2*(level-1),' ')||
(select msi.segment1 from mtl_system_items msi where
msi.inventory_item_id=bic.component_item_id and msi.organization_id=207) child_item,
bic.component_item_id child_item_id,
bic.bill_sequence_id ,
bic.operation_seq_num ,
bic.bom_item_type ,
bic.item_num ,
bom_inventory_components bic,
(select * from bom_bill_of_materials where organization_id=85) bom
where bom.bill_sequence_id=bic.bill_sequence_id
start with bom.assembly_item_id=:P_BOM_ITEM_ID
connect by prior bic.component_item_id=bom.assembly_item_id;

BOM tables in oracle apps


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