Saturday 7 December 2019

GL budget tables in oracle r12 : Budget tables in oracle apps r12

GL budget tables in oracle r12

We will be discuss about the GL Budget tables in oracle r12. We do upload the budgets in Oracle through Journals. So in Oracle r12 , there is no separate tables for the Oracle GL budgets. GL budgets informations do store in the same GL journal tables and after posting the journals it comes in the GL_BALANCES table. GL Budget Tables in oracle r12 are same like GL Journal tables. The only difference to find out the GL Budget Data is , We need to use the column ACTUAL_FLAG in the GL_JE_HEADERS. We need to find out the GL Budget Data using ACTUAL_FLAG=’B’. Here below I will share all the gl budget tables in oracle r12 and the Important SQL query to extract the GL Budget in oracle r12.

budget tables in oracle apps r12
budget tables in oracle apps r12

Important GL Budget Tables in Oracle r12

1. gl_je_headers
2. gl_je_lines

Detail SQL Query Using the GL Budget Tables in Oracle r12 to Extract the Budget Data from system.

        fu.USER_NAME Budget_created_BY,
        gcc.SEGMENT1 Company,
        gcc.SEGMENT2 Lcoation,
        gcc.SEGMENT3 Department,
        gcc.SEGMENT4 Account,
        gcc.SEGMENT5 Project,
        gcc.SEGMENT6 Intercompany,
        gcc.SEGMENT7 Future1,
        gcc.SEGMENT8 Future2,
        gjl.ACCOUNTED_DR Debit,
        gjl.ACCOUNTED_CR Credit,
        decode(gjh.STATUS, 'P', 'Posted', 'U', 'Unposted', gjh.STATUS) Budget_Journal_Status
   from gl_je_headers gjh,
        gl_je_lines gjl,
        fnd_user fu,
        gl_code_combinations gcc

  where gjh.JE_HEADER_ID = gjl.JE_HEADER_ID
    and fu.USER_ID = gjh.CREATED_BY
    and gjh.ACTUAL_FLAG = 'B'
    and gjl.LEDGER_ID = gjh.LEDGER_ID
    and gjh.LEDGER_ID = gjl.LEDGER_ID
    and gjl.LEDGER_ID = 10021

GL budget tables in oracle r12
budget tables in oracle apps r12


Goutham Raj said...

Good Blog, well descrided, Thanks for sharing this information.
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