Thursday 26 December 2019

How to call concurrent program from shell script

How to call concurrent program from shell script

In this post , We will be discuss about How to call concurrent program from shell script.We have the possibility in oracle apps to submit the concurrent request from shell script. We have particular syntax provided in the System Administration User Guide to submit the concurrent requests from shell script. To execute the shell script from oracle application for concurrent programs, we need to create the prog file and then register in as a host type in concurrent program executable. Here below I will share detail standard script for concurrent program and the working example to call concurrent program from shell script.

Syntax of shell script to call concurrent program

$ CONCSUB {APPS username}/{APPS password} /
{responsibility application short name}/
{responsibility name} /
[WAIT=N|Y{n seconds}]/
{program application short name} /
{program name} /
[REPEAT_TIME={resubmission time}] /
[REPEAT_INTERVAL= {number}] /
[REPEAT_INTERVAL_UNIT={resubmission unit}]/
[REPEAT_INTERVAL_TYPE={resubmission type}]/
[REPEAT_END={resubmission end date and time}]/
[START={date}] /
[IMPLICIT={ type of concurrent request} /
[{parameter 1} ... {parameter n}]

Detail Steps to call concurrent program from shell script

For Example :- Here below is the standard Program , which we will call from shell script.

How to call concurrent program from shell script

This Program has four Parameters as below :

How to call concurrent program from shell script

## Start of shell script
DATE_TIME=`date '+%D %T | tr 'a-z''A-Z'`
echo "Calling Employee Update Program ${DATE_TIME}"
submit_cc_req=`CONCSUB APPS/APPS \
               SYSADMIN \
               "System Administrator" \
               SYSADMIN \
               WAIT-N \
               APXHRUPD \
               [PROGRAM_NAME=" Employee Update Program"] \
  echo "Concurrent request $submit_cc_req submitted successfully".
  echo "There is an error in concurrent program submission"
## End of shell script

Registration of Prog file of Oracle submit concurrent Request from shell script

We need to register this prog file as a host file for concurrent programs in oracle apps.

How to call concurrent program from shell script

How to call concurrent program from shell script


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