How to set up mass allocation in oracle r12
In this post , We will be discuss about the setup of mass allocation in oracle r12. GL mass allocation is one of the great feature in oracle
application, when you want to create the automate journals based on the chart
of account segments values or we can say from group of cost centers , Natural
accounts , Locations as per the Chart of account segments .We can write some
formula in the mass allocation setups, which takes the input from our chart of accounts balances and then
create the automate GL journals based on our GL mass allocation formulas. Here below i will try to explain the setup of mass allocation in oracle r12.
Example of set up mass allocation in oracle r12
If we have 3 bank accounts and we are using the Natural
Account from 50000001 to 50000003 for these bank accounts to track the balance
of these accounts in oracle application.
50000000 is the parent account for Natural Accounts 50000001
to 50000003.
Now , Our business requirement is we want to calculate the
Interest for all these bank accounts Natural account(50000001 to 50000003)
monthly and then wants to create the journal each month in different Bank
Interest Natural account(60000001) for the interest amount of all these all
these bank accounts Natural account(50000001 to 50000003).
Concept of mass allocation in oracle apps r12
Now to create any Mass allocation formulas , there are few
things , which are quite important and we need to prepare our formula according
to that.
In mass allocation t, four things are quite important and
these are A, B, C ,T & O.
A:- A always represent the Total Value/Amount on that , we
DO apply the formula. For Example in our
Case , Values in bank accounts Natural account(50000001 to 50000003) are our A.
B:- B represents the
‘Usage Factor’. The value under B , always multiple with that value which do
comes after system drive the formula with A & T. The final value from A
& T will multiply with the B.
In B , We have two option , either we can provide the constant
value or we can give the reference for some STAT journals and based on the STAT
journal , system do the formula working.
In our case , We know the Interest percentage provided by
bank every month so we will directly put the contact value .15 We don’t need to
create some stat journals and then drive the values from that.
C:- C represents the ‘Total Usage’. It means this is
something related to Summary. For both B & T , We have two option , either
we can provide the constant value or we can give the reference for some STAT
journals and based on the STAT journal , system do the formula working. In our
case , we know that we need to create the Monthly journals for the bank
interest so for this we need to find our the monthly balance for these bank
accounts Natural account(50000001 to 50000003) so to find out the monthly banks
balance we need to divide the Formula variable A with 12. So for this , we will
put the constant value 12 under C.
T :- it’s not the T Account as we see in Ledger. It is the
Target Account of the Journal l or these are the Debit Accounts which should
hold the allocated expense. So my Interest amount for these bank accounts
Natural account(50000001 to 50000003) will be allocated to these accounts
mentioned under T variable.
In our case , We want to book the interest in Bank Interest
Natural account(60000000). So we need to give this Account with other Chart of
Account values.
O :- O represents the ‘Off set account’. This account is
same as the account we gave in “A”. This is the credit account for the creating
Detail Steps to do the set up for mass allocation in oracle r12
Step1:- Go to General Ledger ==> Journals ==> Define ==> Allocation.
Step2:- Enter the Allocation Batch Name which will be create automate.
Click on the Formulas Button as below.
Step3:- Enter the name which we want to give for the allocation. Enter the Currency in which we want to create the Automate journals from this allocation formula.
This is the below allocation formula , which we have to create as per our business requirement.
As i explained above about A , B , C , T and O. we need to create the formula for each variable A , B , C T and O.
Step 5:- Now we are creating the formula for the Variable 'A'. Click on the 'A' variable line and as i said the business requirement (We have 3 bank accounts and we are using the Natural Account from 50000001 to 50000003 for these bank accounts to track the balance of these accounts in oracle application.
50000000 is the parent account for Natural Accounts 50000001 to 50000003)
As below , I am keeping other chart of accounts segments as a C (Constant) but Account segment i am keeping 'L'
C: Constant –
The segment is constant and doesn’t need any Loop or Sum. And the balance
should be picked against “A” as a constant
L: Looping – The segment needs to loop from first value to last value as per Parent Account Hierarchy.
S: Summing – The segment needs to sum the value in provided in STAT JV.
L: Looping – The segment needs to loop from first value to last value as per Parent Account Hierarchy.
S: Summing – The segment needs to sum the value in provided in STAT JV.
Generally the account code in “A” doesn’t not need any kind of looping or summing. So every segment should be given the value of C. The value this account has for the particular period should be picked as a constant. Keep the currency as Entered.
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Step 6:- For Variable 'B' , we will enter the monthly Bank Interest '2.1' as a constant value.
Step 7:- For Variable C , We will enter the number of Months in the year and that is '12'
Step 8:- For Variable 'T' , We will use this below settings and By mistake i used Account as a 'L' but please keep all these things as a 'C'.
Step 9:-For Variable 'O' , We will use this below settings. Most of the times , we keep 'O' variable same as 'A' variable as step 5.
What is parent account
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