Thursday, 19 December 2019

Inventory Transaction tables in oracle fusion

Inventory Transaction tables in oracle fusion

In this table , We will be discuss about the Inventory Transaction tables in oracle fusion. I will share the detail list of Inventory Transaction tables which do stores the Inventory transaction details related to Material Transactions , Inventory costing informations and other Lot and Serial related inventory item informations in oracle fusion. We have different types of Inventory Transaction tables in oracle fusion. Here below i will share the , detail explanation of these Inventory Transaction tables in oracle fusion.

Inventory Transaction tables in oracle fusion

6 Most Important Inventory Transaction tables in oracle fusion


Detail explanation of these Inventory Transaction tables in oracle fusion


It  stores a record of every material transaction or cost update performed in Inventory. Records are inserted into this table either through the transaction processor or by the standard cost update program.

The columns TRANSACTION_TYPE_ID,TRANSACTION_ACTION_ID, TRANSACTION_SOURCE_TYPE_ID, TRANSACTION_SOURCE_ID and TRANSACTION_SOURCE_NAME describe what the transaction is and against what entity it was performed


All accounting journal entries for a given transaction are stored in MTL_TRANSACTION_ACCOUNTS,joined by the column TRANSACTION_ID with table INV_MATERIAL_TXNS.


If the item is under lot control then the lot records are stored in INV_TRANSACTION_LOT_NUMBERS,joined by the column TRANSACTION_ID.


If the item is under serial control then the serial records are stored in INV_UNIT_TRANSACTIONS,joined by the column TRANSACTION_ID.

Inventory Transaction tables in oracle fusion


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