Saturday 21 December 2019

Item template table in oracle apps

Item template table in oracle apps

In this post , We will be discuss about the Item template table in oracle apps. Item Template table helps to store the Inventory Item Template Attribute values which we do sets for the inventory item in oracle apps.Item Template is the set of Item attributes with Values which helps to set these attributes values for an Inventory Item. Each Inventory Item like Purchasing Item , Inventory Item, Manufacturing Item , So all these types of items have different Item attributes values. So we do create different Item Template for each types of Items , Like Purchasing Template , Inventory Template and when we do create the New Item , Based on the Type of item , we do attach these item templates to set the item attribute values in oracle apps because its very time consuming thing to set the item attributes values for each item and its easy to just attach the item template with the item.Here below is the Item Template table detail in oracle apps.

Item template table in oracle apps

2 Most Important Item template table in oracle apps



SQL Query Using Item template table in oracle apps


it.description  Template_description,




from apps.mtl_item_templates it,

apps.mtl_item_templ_attributes ita

where 1=1

AND it.template_name='Purchased Item - A1'

and it.template_id=ita.template_id

Output of the Item Template Table query in oracle apps

Item template table in oracle apps


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