Saturday 7 December 2019

Link between gl interface and gl_je_headers

Link between gl interface and gl_je_headers

In this post , We will be discuss about the link between gl interface and gl_je_headers. first of all , Let me explain the difference between these two tables. GL Interface is the interface table to import the GL journals data from External Sources and from sub-ledgers but on the other hand GL_je_headers is the base table , which do store the GL journals Header Information's. It means Data from GL interface moves in to the GL_JE_HEADERS tables in oracle apps. Here below i will try to explain more about the link between gl interface and gl_je_headers.

Link between gl interface and gl_je_headers

2 Important Links between gl interface and gl_je_headers

1. As i said , GL Interface is the Interface table and GL_je_headers is the base table , so the Data Always flows from GL_Interface table to GL_je_headers table. We can join these tables with Using Table GL_IMPORT_REFERENCES . All the Data flows from GL interface into the GL Base tables like gl_je_headers. It means , Data from Oracle Sub-ledgers and Data from External Sources always flow from Gl interface in to the GL base tables.

2. Journal Import (GLLEZL)  reads from the GL interface tables and creates records in to the GL base Tables 
GL Tables 

Here below is the Detail Joins to Link  gl interface and gl_je_headers with XLA Module using GL_IMPORT_REFERENCES 

GL_JE_BATCHES (je_batch_id)                                   => GL_JE_HEADERS (je_batch_id)
GL_JE_HEADERS (je_header_id)                                  => GL_JE_LINES (je_header_id)
GL_JE_LINES (je_header_id,  je_line_num)                      => GL_IMPORT_REFERENCES (je_header_id, je_line_num)
GL_IMPORT_REFERENCES (gl_sl_link_table, gl_sl_link_id)        => XLA_AE_LINES (gl_sl_link_table, gl_sl_link_id)
XLA_AE_LINES (application_id, ae_header_id)                   => XLA_AE_HEADERS (application_id, ae_header_id) 
XLA_AE_HEADERS (application_id, event_id)                     => XLA_EVENTS (application_id, event_id)   


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