Friday 31 January 2020

API to create employee address in oracle apps

API to create employee address in oracle apps

In this post , We will be discuss about API to create employee address in oracle apps. This API helps to create the employee address in oracle apps. If any employee don't have address in oracle apps , then we can use this api to create the address. This API helps to mass create the employees address in oracle apps. This is the complete script , we just need to know the person id for which , we are creating the address in oracle apps. Here below is the complete detail script using API to create employee address in oracle apps.

API to create employee address in oracle apps

Detail Script using API to create employee address in oracle apps

    ln_address_id                           PER_ADDRESSES.ADDRESS_ID%TYPE;
    ln_object_version_number    PER_ADDRESSES.OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER%TYPE;


   -- Create Employee Address
   -- --------------------------------------
    (     -- Input data elements
          -- ------------------------------
          p_effective_date                    => TO_DATE('08-JUN-2011'),
          p_person_id                           => 7869,
          p_primary_flag                     => 'Y',
          p_style                                     => 'US_GLB',
          p_address_type                              => 'PHCA',
          p_date_from                           => TO_DATE('08-JUN-2011'),
          p_address_line1                   => 'test address 1',
          p_address_line2                   => NULL,
          p_town_or_city                     => 'test city',
          p_postal_code                        => 44544,
          p_country                                => 'IN',
          p_region_2                               => 'nl',
          -- Output data elements
          -- --------------------------------
          p_address_id                          => ln_address_id,
          p_object_version_number   => ln_object_version_number

API to create employee address in oracle apps


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