Saturday 25 January 2020

Decimal number format in rtf template

Decimal number format in rtf template

In this post , We will be discuss about Decimal number format in rtf template. We can print the numbers or amount figures in decimal format in rtf template. We have multiple decimal formats to show the numbers or amount figures. Here below is the complete information about Decimal number format in rtf template.

Decimal number format in rtf template

Steps to Use the Decimal number format in rtf template

Step 1:- Open the rtf template  , in which we want to use the decimal format .

Step2:- Go to the xml tag in the rtf template , in which we want to use Decimal number format in rtf template.

Set the Type to “Regular text”.
Step 3:- In the Form Field Help Text field, enter the mask definition according to the following example:


here fieldname is the XML tag name of the data element you are formatting and 999G999D99 is the mask definition.
0Digit. Each explicitly set 0 will appear, if no other number occupies the position. Format mask: 00.0000 (Ex: Change 1.234 to 01.2340)
9Digit. Returns value with the specified number of digits with a leading space if positive or a leading minus if negative. Leading zeros are blank, except for a zero value, which returns a zero for the integer part of the fixed-point number. Format mask: 99.9999 (Ex: Change 1.234 to 1.234)
CReturns the ISO currency symbol in the specified position.
DDetermines the placement of the decimal separator. The decimal separator symbol used will be determined at runtime based on template locale. Format mask: 9G999D99 (Ex: Change 1234.56 to 1,234.56( For English locale:) or to 1.234,56 (For German locale))
EEEEReturns a value in scientific notation.
GDetermines the placement of the grouping (thousands) separator. The grouping separator symbol used will be determined at runtime based on template locale. Format mask: 9G999D99 (Ex: Change 1234.56 to 1,234.56( For English locale:) or to 1.234,56 (For German locale))
LReturns the local currency symbol in the specified position.
MIDisplays negative value with a trailing “-“.
PRDisplays negative value enclosed by <>
PTDisplays negative value enclosed by ()
S (before number)Displays positive value with a leading “+” and negative values with a leading “-“
S (after number)Displays positive value with a trailing “+” and negative value with a trailing “-“
Decimal number format in rtf template


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