Thursday 2 January 2020

How to check po approval limit in oracle apps

How to check po approval limit in oracle apps

In this post , We will be discuss about how to check the po approval limit in oracle apps. PO approval limit comes when we are configuring the PO approval position hierarchy. In PO position hierarchy , we do create the approval groups to maintain the po approval limit. PO approval limit helps to determine which approval group have the how much amount limit to approve the purchase order. We can check the po approval limit from front end and from back end too with sql. Here below is the detail steps to check po approval limit in oracle apps.

2 Ways to check po approval limit in oracle apps

1. From Front end application
2.From back end database.

To check po approval limit in oracle apps from front end application

Step1:- Go to Oracle Purchasing Superuser.

Purchasing, Vision Corporation> Setup>Approvals>Approval Groups

Approval limits Defining in oracle purchasing

Here below , we can create/Define and find the approval limit defined in oracle apps application.

How to check po approval limit in oracle apps
Created Approval Group for Second Employee (Executive) for amount 1000.
How to check po approval limit in oracle apps

To check po approval limit in oracle apps from Database through SQL

SELECT  po_cntr_grp.control_group_name "Approver Group Name",
po_cntr_rule.rule_type_code "Approver Group Type",
 po_cntr_rule.amount_limit "PO Approval Limit Amount"
        (  segment1_low
         || '.'
         || segment2_low
         || '.'
         || segment3_low
         || '.'
         || segment4_low
         || '.'
         || segment5_low
         || '.'
         || segment6_low
        ) From_gl_account_range,
        (   segment1_high
         || '.'
         || segment2_high
         || '.'
         || segment3_high
         || '.'
         || segment4_high
         || '.'
         || segment5_high
         || '.'
         || segment6_high
        )  To_gl_account_range,
   FROM apps.po_control_rules po_cntr_rule,
   apps.po_control_groups_all po_cntr_grp
  WHERE po_cntr_grp.control_group_id =  po_cntr_rule.control_group_id


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