Monday 20 January 2020

How to In-Active Mass Employee Bank Accounts in Oracle Fusion : HDL to In-Active Mass Employee Bank Accounts

How to In-Active Mass Employee Bank Accounts in Oracle Fusion

In this post , we will be discuss about How to In-Active Mass Employee Bank Accounts in Oracle Fusion. Using HDL , We can In-Active Employee Bank Accounts. HDL has given the metadata to in-active the bank accounts in oracle fusion. Here below is the detail about In-Active Mass Employee Bank Accounts.

How to In-Active Mass Employee Bank Accounts in Oracle Fusion : HDL to In-Active Mass Employee Bank Accounts

Step By Step to In-Active Mass Employee Bank Accounts

Step1:- ExternalBankAccount.dat is the file given by Oracle Fusion, to end date Bank Accounts in Oracle Fusion.



Step2:- Run the following sql to see that the bank account is end dated

select ext_bank_account_id

In order to delete, you must first remove the personal payment method, but the inactive will show in the UI as follows.

The Bank account which is inactive will display if you perform an Edit->Correct
 if you click the Edit drop down, choose Update (if you choose Correct, you will see the one for which is end dated)
Once you choose Edit->Update you will no longer see the Inactive Bank Account (the end dated bank account)

How to In-Active Mass Employee Bank Accounts in Oracle Fusion : HDL to In-Active Mass Employee Bank Accounts


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