Rehire an ex-employee in oracle HRMS
In this post , We will be discuss about how to rehire an ex-employee in oracle hrms. When Ex-employee of the Organization join the organization again then the employee record for that employee which were in the Terminated stage goes back to the rehire mode and make it active in oracle hrms system. We can only rehire those employee whose records are already in the system but in the termination state because they have leave the company in past. For new employee there is no rehire process. Rehire process is only for the Ex Employees of the organization because these records are already exists in the system. In Oracle hrms ,We need to do this rehire process to active the employee record so that we can create his account and other options too. In this post , I am sharing the detail steps to Rehire an ex-employee in oracle HRMS.
Step by Step to Rehire an ex-employee in oracle HRMS
Step1 :- Go to Enter and Maintain Person and search the Employee for which you want to rehire. We can only rehire those employee who are terminated in System with status/Person type 'Ex-Employee'
You can search the Employee with Name or Person Number.
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