Monday, 17 February 2020

Accounting sequence in oracle r12 : How to Define accounting sequence in oracle r12

Accounting sequence in oracle r12 : How to Define accounting sequence in oracle r12

In this post , We will be discuss about Accounting sequence in oracle r12. Accounting sequence helps implement the unique sequence order for GL journals. Using Accounting sequence , We can assign the same sequence to GL journal and the Subledger Journals importing from Subledger to GL. Using Accounting sequence we can implement the gapless sequence for GL journals.A Sequence generates a series of numbers to uniquely identify an application transaction. Sequences also provide an audit trail. For example, a document sequence assigned to a journal in General Ledger, maintains a list of such journals created. A missing sequence hence denotes a journal that was probably deleted and flags the same for auditors review. 

Accounting Sequences are assigned to GL journals when they are Posted and to Subledger Journals once they complete accounting.

Step by Step to Implement Accounting sequence in oracle r12 

Step 1:- Navigation: General Ledger Responsibility -> Setup -> Financials -> Sequences -> Accounting -> 

Define Enter a Name for the Sequence and its Description. Sequence Version: The same page provides a tab to create a sequence ‘Version’. A sequence version allows one to create a mutation of the same sequence definition. Let us take an example where the users would want the sequence generation to begin from 1 for every financial year. One could simply add two versions – Version 1: From Date Jan1 2011 to Dec 31’ 2011 Initial Number: 1 Version 2: From Date Jan1 2012 to Dec 31’ 2012 Initial Number: 1 This setup would ensure that the first journal created for year would begin with 1 and similarly, the first journal for the year 2012 would again begin with the numeric 1.

Accounting sequence in oracle r12 : How to Define accounting sequence in oracle r12

Status: The Status Could be either ‘New’, ‘Used’ or ‘Disabled’.

New: Sequence has not been used yet for sequence generation 
Used: This sequence has created transaction numbers already. The Last Number used would show the last number used by this sequence. 
Disabled: The Sequence has been disabled and cannot be used any further. Initial Number: Any number greater than zero. This Number is incremented by one for each accounting entry.

Step 2:-

Navigation: General Ledger Responsibility -> Setup -> Financials -> Sequences -> Accounting -> 

Assign Sequencing context basically captures information upon the event entity combination that will fire sequencing along with other details on sorting and assignment.

Sequencing Entity: A Sequencing Entity is the journal transaction for which this particular sequence would get assigned. 
This could have two values – 
• Subledger Journal Entry 
• GL Journal Entry. 

Sequencing Event : A Sequencing Event is the event, which would fire Create Reporting Sequence Program to create sequences. E.g. if one chooses the sequencing event as Posting, the Sequences will get assigned the moment a journal is posted. A Sequencing Event can have any of the following values:

 • GL Period Close: Sequences get created once the respective GL Period is closed. 
• Posting: Sequences get created once the respective journal is Posted in GL.
 • Accounting: Sequences get created once the transaction is Accounted. i.e. the Create Accounting Program is run. This Event can be chosen only for the entity ‘Subledger Journal Entry’.  
Accounting sequence in oracle r12 : How to Define accounting sequence in oracle r12

Step 3: Assign Sequences to Sequencing Context

 Navigation: General Ledger Responsibility -> Setup -> Financials -> Sequences -> Accounting -> 

Assign Query the Context and Click on ‘Assign Sequences’ Provide the Journal Source, Category and Balance Type; this Sequence should get assigned to. 
Accounting sequence in oracle r12 : How to Define accounting sequence in oracle r12

Click on ‘Apply’. Click on ‘Apply’ to conclude the setup. This takes the control back to Sequences Context Page. The status here now should show us up as ‘Complete’. 

Hit the ‘Apply’ button again.

Accounting sequence in oracle r12 : How to Define accounting sequence in oracle r12

Accounting Sequences : Generation

Accounting Sequences get generated once a GL journal gets Posted. Please note that if more than one Journal is posted in the same Posting run, the journals are first sorted based on value provided for the parameter ‘Assign Sequences By’ and then sequenced accordingly.

In the setup example above for sequences on Journal Posting, we had selected them to be sorted on the basis of ‘Effective Date’. If we post two journals on the same posting program, the sequences would get assigned as follows: 

Accounting sequence in oracle r12 : How to Define accounting sequence in oracle r12


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Unknown said...

how to get a Sequenc_Name from backend?

Rohit said...


Please use this below for Oracle Sequence Name details from backend.

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