Thursday 19 March 2020

How to create code combination in oracle apps front end

How to create code combination in oracle apps front end

In this post , We will be discuss how to create code combination in oracle apps front end. We do create the code combination in oracle apps from chart of accounts segments. If we want to use the chart of account combinations in oracle apps, then first we need to create the code combination in oracle apps. If we are using the chart of account combinations in Oracle transactions and enable the auto create code combination in chart of accounts setup then code combination creates automatically. Here below i will share the complete detail about How to create code combination in oracle apps front end.
How to create code combination in oracle apps front end
How to create code combination in oracle apps front end

Step by Step to create code combination in oracle apps front end

Step1:- Go to the General Ledger responsibility ==> Setup

Step2:- Here below , we need to create the create the chart of Account segment combination , which we want to use in the Oracle Application.

SQL Query to Extract the code combination in oracle apps

  gcc.code_combination_id) acc_description
  gl_code_combinations_kfv gcc;

How to create code combination in oracle apps front end


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