Saturday 28 March 2020

oaf profile options about this page

oaf profile options about this page

In this post , We will be discuss about oaf profile options about this page. oaf profile option for about this page , helps to enable the about this page link in the oaf page. This about this page link , help to go behind the layout of the OAF page. Under About this page , we do know about the , OAF page objects. OAF page objects consists of (EO, VO & AM). EO stands for Entity Object . VO stands for View Object & AM stands for Application Module. About this Page is quite important , when we want to do the personalization & Extensions in the Standard OAF page. Here below is the complete detail about oaf profile options about this page.

Important oaf profile options for about this page

1. FND: Diagnostics
2. Personalize Self-Service Defn

Other Important oaf profile options

1.FND: Personalization Region Link Enabled
2. Disable Self-Service Personal

Detail Explanation about oaf profile options about this page

ND: Diagnostics

This profile option , help to enable the diagnostic option in the OAF Page. This Profile also help to enable the 'About this Page' option showing in the OAF page in oracle apps.

To enable this profile we need to set FND: Diagnostics ="Yes"

oaf profile options about this page

Personalize Self-Service Defn

This profile option , help to enable the "Personalize" link in the OAF page. If we want to do the personalization in the OAF page , then we need to enable this profile to show the "Personalize" link in the OAF page.

To enable this profile we need to set Personalize Self-Service Defn ="Yes"

oaf profile options about this page

Detail about Other OAF Profile Options

FND: Personalization Region Link Enabled

It renders the “Personalize  Region” links above each  region in a page. Each link  takes you first to the Choose Personalization Context page, then to the Page Hierarchy Personalization page with focus on the region node from which  you selected the “Personalize  Region” link.

Set the value to Yes to display all the personalization links above each OAF page region.

Set the value to Minimal to display key regional links.

Disable Self-Service Personal 

If you want to see the personalization in all levels (Function, Site, Responsibility, User) , then we need to use this profile.

Set Disable Self-Service Personal ="NO"

How to Set oaf profile options in Oracle apps

Step1:-  Navigator ==> System Administrator -> Profile -> System
oaf profile options about this page

Step2:- As below , we need to find out the Profile option to set.
oaf profile options about this page

oaf profile options about this page

oaf profile options about this page


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