Sunday 29 March 2020

Oracle inventory period status Query

Oracle inventory period status Query

In this post , we will be discuss about Oracle inventory period status Query. Inventory period status query , help to extract the oracle inventory period details having inventory accounting period status information. This is one of the important sql query , in oracle inventory module. We can use this query to know the oracle inventory period status. Please find below the complete detail about Oracle inventory period status Query.

Oracle inventory period status Query
Oracle inventory period status Query

Important Tables used by Oracle inventory period status Query


Oracle inventory period status Query

Detail Oracle inventory period status Query 

SELECT  ood.organization_code "Organization Code" ,
  ood.organization_name "Organization Name" ,
  oap.period_name "Period Name" ,
  oap.period_start_date "Start Date" ,
  oap.period_close_date "Closed Date" ,
  oap.schedule_close_date "Scheduled Close" ,
  DECODE(oap.open_flag, 'P','P - Period Close is processing' ,
                        'N','N - Period Close process is completed' ,
                        'Y','Y - Period is open if Closed Date is NULL' ,'Unknown') "Period Status"
FROM org_acct_periods oap ,
  org_organization_definitions ood
WHERE oap.organization_id = ood.organization_id
AND (TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN TRUNC(oap.period_start_date) AND TRUNC (oap.schedule_close_date))
ORDER BY ood.organization_id,


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