Wednesday 1 April 2020

How to make a field read only in oracle forms personalization

How to make a field read only in oracle forms personalization

In this post , We will be discuss about how to make a field read only in oracle forms personalization. In Oracle , forms personalization helps to put additional control & Validation in oracle forms. We can make any form field read only using oracle forms personalization. Oracle forms personalization has given different triggers to write our business logic and conditions and based on that we can make a field read only in oracle forms personalization. Here below is the detail about How to make a field read only in oracle forms personalization.

Step by Step to make a field read only in oracle forms personalization

Step1:- As per our business requirement , We want to make the Delivery Name field read only in the Shipping Transaction form in Oracle Management responsibility.

Go to Shipping Transactions Form for demonstration purpose

Navigate: Shipping Responsibility->Transactions->

Help->Diagnostics->custom code-> personalize

Step2:- Create new forms personalization Sequence
We are using the' When-New-record instance' Trigger for this field read only in oracle forms personalization.

Under Conditions , We have used the Block Name 'DLVY'
Trigger Event : 'When-New-record instance'
How to make a field read only in oracle forms personalization

Step3:- Under Actions , we are making the Delivery Name field , Read Only.
Object Type :- Item
Target Object : DLVY_NAME
Property Name : UPDATE_ALLOWED

How to make a field read only in oracle forms personalization
How to make a field read only in oracle forms personalization

How to make a field read only in oracle forms personalization


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