Tuesday 28 April 2020

How to update bank account in oracle Apps r12

How to update bank account in oracle Apps r12

In this post , we will be discuss about how to update bank account in oracle Apps r12. We will be discus how we can update and create the new bank accounts in oracle apps r12. Bank account update process is quite similar to bank account creation Process. We need to follow the same Navigation to Update the Bank account as like Bank account creation. We will be more discuss about Bank setup or bank creation process and will explain all the important objects and setup configurations related to bank account. In Oracle , we have two types of Bank Accounts Internal and External. Here in this Post , We are talking about the Internal Bank Account setup. The Internal bank of the Business units which they uses to process the Payments and to receive the payment from Customers. We all know that , In Oracle r12 we do control on every thing through Accounting. So in the Bank Accounts too , we put the control through accounting. We assigned the GL accounts to each Internal Bank Account so that , We can keep the track of each entry happen for this Bank. Here in this Post , We will explain in detail about how to update bank account in oracle Apps r12

Step by step to update/Create bank account in oracle Apps r12

Step1:- Go to Cash Management Super User
Setup==> Banks
First Create the Bank.
How to update bank account in oracle Apps r12
How to update bank account in oracle Apps r12

Step2:- How to update bank account in oracle Apps r12

Step3:- Enter the Bank Information about Bank Name and Bank Number. Click Next to Create Bank Address
How to update bank account in oracle Apps r12
How to update bank account in oracle Apps r12
Step4:- Click on create Enter the Bank Address information's for the Bank.
How to update bank account in oracle Apps r12
Step5:- Entering The Bank Address Information's.
How to update bank account in oracle Apps r12

Step6:-  Bank is Created. Now we will create the Bank Branch. Create the Create Branch as Highlighted Below.
How to update bank account in oracle Apps r12
 Step7:- Enter the branch Name and Bank Branch Number information in the Create Branch.

Enter the Branch Address Information's. Click on Create Address as below.

How to update bank account in oracle Apps r12

Step8:- Now Branch has been created. Now We need to create the Bank Account. Click on the Create Bank Account as below.

How to update bank account in oracle Apps r12
Step9:- Creation Bank Accounts Under Bank and Band Branch.
How to update bank account in oracle Apps r12
Step10:- Select the Legal Entity under which We want to use this Bank Account. Select the Account Use "Payables" , "Payroll" and "Receivables".
How to update bank account in oracle Apps r12
Step11:- Enter the Bank Account Name and Account Number , Currency.

How to update bank account in oracle Apps r12

Step12:- We need to enter the Cash GL account combination for the Bank and Can Put other Payables Control there.

How to update bank account in oracle Apps r12


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