Thursday 2 April 2020

Query to find concurrent program short name in oracle apps

Query to find concurrent program short name in oracle apps

In this post , we will be discuss about Query to find concurrent program short name in oracle apps. This query will help to extract the list of the concurrent programs details including short name in oracle apps. This is the complete sql query to extract the list of concurrent programs created in oracle apps. This is one of the important sql query to extract concurrent program details. Please find below the detail about Query to find concurrent program short name in oracle apps.

Important Tables used by Query to find concurrent program short name in oracle apps


Query to find concurrent program short name in oracle apps

Detail SQL Query to find concurrent program short name in oracle apps

prog.user_concurrent_program_name "Concurrent Program Name",
prog.concurrent_program_name "Concurrent Program short name",
exe.executable_name "Executable Name",
exe.execution_file_name "executable file name",
decode(exe.execution_method_code, 'I', 'PLSQL Stored Procedure', 'P', 'Report', 'L', 'SQL Loader','Q','SQL*Plus', exe.execution_method_code) "Program Execution Method",
appl.application_name "application name",
prog.description "Program description"
fnd_executables exe,
fnd_application_tl appl,
fnd_concurrent_programs_vl prog
where exe.application_id = appl.application_id
AND exe.executable_id = prog.executable_id
AND appl.language='US'
Query to find concurrent program short name in oracle apps
Query to find concurrent program short name in oracle apps


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