Sunday 5 April 2020

Sales order attachments in oracle apps query

Sales order attachments in oracle apps query

In this post , We will be discuss about , sales order attachments in oracle apps query. This sql query will help to extract the sales order attachment informations. What ever the sales order additional informations , we do attach, we can extract these informations using this sql query in oracle apps. This SQL query , will provide the complete sales order attachments details. Here below is the detail about sales order attachments in oracle apps query.

Sales order attachments in oracle apps query

3 Important tables used by sales order attachments in oracle apps query


Detail Sales Order attachments in oracle apps query

    SELECT fad.*,                                                                                 
                i.ORDER_NUMBER "ORDER NUMBER"
         FROM   apps.OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL i,                                                                   
                apps.fnd_attached_documents fad,
                apps.fnd_documents d,
                apps.fnd_documents_tl dtl
         WHERE 1=1
         AND    i.header_id = fad.pk1_value
         AND    fad.document_id = dtl.document_id
         AND    dtl.document_id = d.document_id
         AND    fad.entity_name = 'OE_ORDER_HEADERS'

Sales order attachments in oracle apps query


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