Monday, 20 April 2020

script to create user in oracle apps

Script to create user in oracle apps

In this post , We will be discuss about script to create user in oracle apps. I will share the complete Oracle Standard API script to create user in oracle apps . This script is using the oracle standard API provided by oracle to mass create users in oracle apps. I will share the complete PLSQL script which will help to create user in oracle apps from backend. This help to create the mass users in oracle apps from backend. Here below is the detail about script to create user in oracle apps.

script to create user in oracle apps
script to create user in oracle apps

2 Important API using script to create user in oracle apps


Detail Script to create user in oracle apps

   v_user_name varchar2(30) :='XX_USER';   -- User Name  
   v_password  varchar2(30) :='TEST123';  -- Password 
   cursor create_responsibilities 
     select resp.responsibility_key 
     from  fnd_responsibility_vl resp 
          ,fnd_application       app 
     where resp.application_id = app.application_id  
     and   resp.responsibility_name in ( 'Application Developer' ) ; 
   fnd_user_pkg.createuser ( 
           x_user_name             => upper(v_user_name) 
          ,x_owner                 => null 
          ,x_unencrypted_password  => v_password 
          ,x_session_number        => userenv('sessionid') 
          ,x_start_date            => sysdate 
          ,x_end_date              => null ); 
   dbms_output.put_line ('User '||v_user_name||' created !!!!!'); 
   for get_resp in create_responsibilities  
     fnd_user_pkg.addresp (
                username        => v_user_name 
               ,resp_app        => get_resp.application_short_name 
               ,resp_key        => get_resp.responsibility_key 
               ,security_group  => 'STANDARD' 
               ,description     => null 
               ,start_date      => sysdate 
               ,end_date        => null); 
     dbms_output.put_line('Responsibility '||get_resp.responsibility_name||' added !!!!!!');   
   end loop; 
   when others then 
   dbms_output.put_line ('Exception : '||SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 500)); 

script to create user in oracle apps
script to create user in oracle apps


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