Wednesday 22 April 2020

substring in rtf template

substring in rtf template

In this post ,we will be discuss about substring in rtf template. substring is the function provided in rtf template , which helps to fetch the specific text from the long character string. Using substring in rtf template, helps to pick some specific string text from the complete string. If we want to pick or print some specific text in the rtf template , we do use the substring in rtf template. If we want to use the substring function in rtf template , We do need to take the help from xdofx extended function support.

substring in rtf template
substring in rtf template

How to Use the substring in rtf template

To use the substring in rtf template , we do need to use the RTF extended support function. Extended functions, We do need with the help of 'xdofx'.

substr(string, start_position, [length])

The substr function allows you to extract a substring from a string. The syntax for the substr function is:
substr(string, start_position, [length])

string is the source string.
start_position is the position for extraction. The first position in the string is always 1.
length is the number of characters to extract.

Example of Using the substring in rtf template

Here below is the example of using the substring function in rtf template. We will use the substring in rtf template with the help to extended functions (xdofx).


substring in rtf template
substring in rtf template

substring in rtf template


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