Monday 27 July 2020

How to call another page in oaf by Destination url

How to call another page in oaf by Destination url

Hi Friends, We are going to discuss about How to call another page in oaf by Destination url. We will share the oaf method to call another oaf page from other oaf page. In OAF page, we can navigate from one page to another. For this , we need to call from one oaf page to another page. To call another oaf page , We need to have the destination oaf page url. We need that path to call the OAF page. We will share the detail steps to call the OAF page by destination url. OAF has shared the specific function called "oapagecontext.setForwardURL" to call another page. Here below is the detail about How to call another page in oaf by Destination url.

How to call another page in oaf by Destination url
How to call another page in oaf by Destination url

Step by Step to call another page in oaf by Destination url

Step1:- Here below is the OAF page form which we will be navigate to another Oracle Forms Page. We want to pass values from this page to our destination Oracle Forms page.
How to call another page in oaf by Destination url
How to call another page in oaf by Destination url
Step 3:-
Here below is the page , which will be open while we will click on the above OAF page 'Responsibility Form'  Page.

How to call another page in oaf by Destination url
How to call another page in oaf by Destination url

Step 4:- Now , We need to know the path of this above page.To know the path , Please follow these below steps.

For this we need to go to 'About this Page' in the Bottom of the Page.
How to call another page in oaf by Destination url
How to call another page in oaf by Destination url

Step 5:- Here below is the Highlighted Page url as below.

How to call another page in oaf by Destination url
How to call another page in oaf by Destination url

Now We need to goto our OAF Page Controller. 

Under OAF Controller , We need to write this below code under the Process From Request Method.

super.processFormRequest(pageContext, webBean);
    OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);

HashMap vhashMap = new HashMap(1);
vhashMap .put("ParamName1", "Test Value");

                                      null, vhashMap , true,

How to call another page in oaf by Destination url


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