Monday 14 September 2020

Query to get received quantity in Oracle Apps

Query to get received quantity in Oracle Apps

Hi friend, we are going to discuss about the Query to get received quantity in Oracle Apps. We will the detail sql query which helps to retrieve the PO and its received quantity detail. Using this query , we can able to find out the PO and PO lines details with total received quantity as on date. We will also share the important tables too which helps to store the PO and its PO receiving details in oracle apps. Using this query , we can able to get the PO's and its total received quantity in oracle apps. Using this Query we can develop the custom PO receipt detail reports in oracle apps. Please find below the complete details about Query to get received quantity in Oracle Apps.

Query to get received quantity in Oracle Apps
Query to get received quantity in Oracle Apps

5 Important Tables used by Query to get received quantity in Oracle Apps


Detail Level SQL Query to get received quantity in Oracle Apps

Here below is the detail sql query to extract the received quantity in oracle apps.

select a_sup.vendor_name,
pha.segment1 po_number,
pha.creation_date po_date,
(SELECT sum(nvl(quantity_received,0)) FROM 
where po_header_id=pha.po_header_id
and po_line_id=pla.po_line_id) TOTAL_PO_QTY_RECEIVED
from apps.po_headers_all pha,
apps.po_lines_all pla,
apps.ap_suppliers a_sup,
apps.ap_supplier_sites_all apss
where pha.po_header_id=pla.po_header_id
and pha.vendor_id=a_sup.vendor_id
and pha.vendor_site_id=apss.vendor_site_id
and pha.org_id=85

Query to get received quantity in Oracle Apps
Query to get received quantity in Oracle Apps

Query to get received quantity in Oracle Apps


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