Saturday 5 December 2020

Query to get sales person details in oracle apps

Query to get Sales Person details in Oracle Apps

Hi friends, we are going to discuss about the Query to get sales person details in oracle apps. We will share the detail sql query which helps to get the sales person informations in oracle apps. Using this query we can able to find out the sales person created in oracle application. In oracle apps, We do attach the sales person in sales order as well in the AR invoices too. We will also share some of the important tables too which stores informations about the sales person in oracle apps. This is one of the important sql query about sales order details in oracle apps. Using this sql query , we can develop the report about the sales person which helps to get the sales person details in oracle apps. Please find below the detail about Query to get sales person details in oracle apps.

Query to get sales person details in oracle apps
 Query to get sales person details in oracle apps

3 Important Table about sales person details in oracle apps

Here below are some of the important tables about the sales person in oracle apps.


Detail sql Query to get sales person details in oracle apps

Here below is the detail sql query having the details about sales person in oracle apps.

select  hou.NAME "Organization Name",
rs.salesrep_number "sales Person No",          
rs.NAME "Sales Person Name",          
res.resource_name salesrep_name, 
FROM   apps.jtf_rs_salesreps rs,  
hr_organization_units hou   
WHERE  hou.organization_id = rs.org_id     
AND  rs.resource_id = res.resource_id

Here below is another sql query to get the sales person details in oracle apps.

Select * from ra_salesreps_all.

Query to get sales person details in oracle apps
 Query to get sales person details in oracle apps


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