Wednesday 11 July 2018

Difference between fire action and fire partial action in oaf

Difference between fire action and fire partial action in oaf

Fire Action and Fire Partial Action something related to the OAF Page Loading or rendering. For example if you have an Requirment in the OAF page that you want to refresh or rendered your complete page again then you need to use fire action in the OAF. But if you want to refresh some specific bean or item of the page then you will use the fire partial action.
In Other Words , Fire Action is used to Submit the whole Form and whole page will render again.  
FirePartialAction is user for Partial Page Rendering(PPR). It will not cause whole page to render again. It causes only partial refresh of page.
In any case of these action , execution will be only in processFormRequest.The processRequest is executed only while loading the page.
If you are performing any action on your page, there are no sequences of calling of this actions on particular on the basis of action type. Only one action will be executed at a time, when you perform any activity on your page, no matter if it's fire action or fire partial action


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