Monday 19 November 2018

WIP interface tables In oracle apps : How to Create WIP Job through Interface

WIP interface tables In oracle apps : How to Create WIP Job through Interface

In this post , We will be discuss about WIP interface tables In oracle apps. Oracle has provided the Work order interface to insert or update the WIP jobs in the Oracle system. For this WIP interface , Oracle has provided two interfaces tables which helps to load the Mass jobs and Mass update from Oracle Backend. In this post , We will be discuss in detail about WIP interface tables In oracle apps and  How to Create WIP Job through Interface.

WIP interface tables In oracle apps

The Work Order Interface enables you to import Discrete Jobs and Repetitive Schedules header information, Discrete Jobs operations, material, resource and scheduling information using a single process.

These are the below Options we can achieve through Work Order Interface

- Planned orders for new Discrete jobs using the Work Order Interface.
- Discrete Jobs operations, components, resources, resource usage and scheduling details.
- Update and reschedule recommendations for existing Discrete Jobs.
- Suggested Repetitive Schedules.

2 Important WIP interface tables In oracle apps

  • WIP_JOB_SCHEDULE_INTERFACE table (Open Job and Schedule Interface table); header information can be loaded into the WIP_JOB_SCHEDULE_INTERFACE table.
  • WIP_JOB_DTLS_INTERFACE table (WIP Job Details Interface table); operations, components, resources, and scheduling information can be loaded into the

PLSQL Script Of WIP interface tables In oracle apps

 INSERT INTO wip_job_schedule_interface
, primary_item_id
, job_name
, start_quantity
, net_quantity
, first_unit_start_date
, class_code
, status_type
, group_id
, load_type
, process_phase
, process_status
, created_by
, creation_date
, last_updated_by
, last_update_date
'TSO' -- organization_id
,833708 -- primary_item_id
,WIP_JOB_NUMBER_S.nextval -- job_name
,40 -- start_quantity
,40 -- Net Quantity
,to_date('01-NOV-2018','DD-MON-RRRR') --first_unit_start_date
,'Discrete' --class_code
,3 --status_type 1.UnReleased 3. Released 4.Complete 6.On Hold 7. Cancelled
,10 -- group_id
,1 -- load_type
1 Create Standard Discrete Job
2 Create Pending Repetitive Schedule
3 Update Standard or Non-Standard Discrete Job
4 Create Non-Standard Discrete Job
,2 -- process_phase 2 Validation 3 Explosion 4 Complete 5 Creation
,1 -- process_status 1 Pending 2 Running 3 Error 4 Complete 5 Warning
,5678 -- created_by
, SYSDATE -- creation_date
,5678 -- last_updated_by
, SYSDATE -- last_update_date


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