Monday 19 November 2018

WIP mass load api in oracle apps: insert into wip_job_schedule_interface

WIP mass load api : insert into wip_job_schedule_interface

In this post , We will be discuss about WIP mass load api in oracle apps.  If we have an Requirment to mass Create or update the WIP discrete jobs in oracle apps then going through from application is not feasible , We need to have some api to mass load or update the information's in WIP jobs from backend. In this post, We will be more discuss on this feasibility. One More important thing in this , Oracle has not provided any API to mass load the wip_discrete_jobs  so this does not means that we cannot mass load the wip_discrete_jobs. Oracle has provided some other ways , by which we can mass load the WIP discrete jobs. Here in this post , I will discuss about WIP mass load api in oracle apps.
WIP mass load api in oracle apps

WIP Mass Load API creates the job with the class_code entered in the Wip_Job_Schedule_Interface and not in the Project Parameters.

Following is the test case:

- Created project ABC with Default Class code: 'Prototype'.
- Inserted data into Wip_job_schedule_interface.

Oracle  has provided the Work Order Interface to update the update wip_discrete_jobs from back end.
These are the below Options we can achieve through Work Order Interface
- Planned orders for new Discrete jobs using the Work Order Interface.
- Discrete Jobs operations, components, resources, resource usage and scheduling details.
- Update and reschedule recommendations for existing Discrete Jobs.
- Suggested Repetitive Schedules
Example Of API to update wip_discrete_jobs Using Work Order Interface

 INSERT INTO wip_job_schedule_interface
, primary_item_id
, job_name
, start_quantity
, net_quantity
, first_unit_start_date
, class_code
, status_type
, group_id
, load_type
, process_phase
, process_status
, created_by
, creation_date
, last_updated_by
, last_update_date
'TSO' -- organization_id
,833708 -- primary_item_id
,WIP_JOB_NUMBER_S.nextval -- job_name
,40 -- start_quantity
,40 -- Net Quantity
,to_date('01-NOV-2018','DD-MON-RRRR') --first_unit_start_date
,'Discrete' --class_code
,3 --status_type 1.UnReleased 3. Released 4.Complete 6.On Hold 7. Cancelled
,10 -- group_id
,3 -- load_type
1 Create Standard Discrete Job
2 Create Pending Repetitive Schedule
3 Update Standard or Non-Standard Discrete Job
4 Create Non-Standard Discrete Job
,2 -- process_phase 2 Validation 3 Explosion 4 Complete 5 Creation
,1 -- process_status 1 Pending 2 Running 3 Error 4 Complete 5 Warning
,5678 -- created_by
, SYSDATE -- creation_date
,5678 -- last_updated_by
, SYSDATE -- last_update_date


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